
mate [meɪt]  [met] 


mate 基本解释


名词(工人间的)伙伴,同事,老兄,老弟〔工人,水手间的亲密称呼〕; 配偶〔男女任何一方〕,动物之偶(尤指鸟类),(一对中的)一只,配对物; [医学](军医等的)助手; [航海](商船的)大副,驾驶员

及物/不及物动词(使)成为配偶; (使)交配; (一对动物或鸟)交配; 交尾(~ with sth)

mate 相关例句


1. mate

1. I will not mate with him.


1. mate的解释

1. Many animals mate in the spring.


1. The widow mourned for her dead mate.

2. Where is the mate to this glove?

3. Where is the mate to this sock?

mate 网络解释

1. 公共查询·英语单词

1. 配合:这些位置约束从工程设计角度可分为以下五类:(1)面配合(mate)及等距配合(mateoffset):面配合要求装配体部件的两个表面相互接触,即两面的法向量相反,面的等距配合要求两个表面相向平行且相距某个距离.

2. 伙伴:11(xi)个伙伴(mate)已婚(hun)女孩(gr)比丫头(y)饥渴妈妈(ma)让他们(them)在(at)抽烟(i)的长舌妇(cs)那里学数学分开(fen)嫦娥(ce)用篱笆能(can)做(did) 又能吃(ate) 的人是候选人钢笔(pen)归(gui)几只(n)企鹅所有兄弟(br)喝墨水(ink)后跑到悬崖的边缘把平底锅(pan)搬上十(t)层楼会气喘吁吁公司(co)的行政区(ward)里都是胆小鬼

3. mate:machine aided translation editing; 机器辅助转换编辑

4. mate:multi – terminal access and transfer equipment; 多终端接入和测试设备

mate 词典解释

1. 伙伴,朋友(尤指男性之间)
    You can refer to someone''s friends as their mates, especially when you are talking about a man and his male friends.

    e.g. He''s off drinking with his mates...
    e.g. A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.

2. (用于男性之间的称呼)老兄,老弟
    Some men use mate as a way of addressing other men when they are talking to them.

    e.g. Come on mate, things aren''t that bad.

3. 配偶;性伙伴
    Someone''s wife, husband, or sexual partner can be referred to as their mate .


    e.g. He has found his ideal mate.
    e.g. ...as women do become as powerful in the marketplace as their mates.

4. (动物的)配偶,交配对象
    An animal''s mate is its sexual partner.

    e.g. The males guard their mates zealously.

5. 交配;交尾
    When animals mate, a male and a female have sex in order to produce young.

    e.g. This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box...
    e.g. They want the males to mate with wild females...

6. (商船上的)大副;(亦指)船员
    On a commercial ship, the mate or the first mate is the most important officer except for the captain. Officers of lower rank are also called mates .

    e.g. ...the mate of a fishing trawler.

7. (美国海军的)军士
    In the United States Navy, a mate is a petty officer who has a particular set of skills and who assists a warrant officer.

8. (象棋中) 同 checkmate
    In chess, mate is the same as checkmate .

9. see also: cellmate;classmate;flatmate;playmate;roommate;running mate;schoolmate;shipmate;soul mate

mate 英英释义


1. a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent''s king

    Synonym: checkmate

2. an exact duplicate

    e.g. when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook

    Synonym: match

3. South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate

4. the officer below the master on a commercial ship

    Synonym: first mate

5. informal term for a friend of the same sex

6. the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner)

    e.g. he loved the mare and all her mates
           camels hate leaving their mates

7. a person''s partner in marriage

    Synonym: spousepartnermarried personbetter half

8. a fellow member of a team

    e.g. it was his first start against his former teammates

    Synonym: teammate

9. South American holly
    leaves used in making a drink like tea

    Synonym: Paraguay teaIlex paraguariensis

10. one of a pair

    e.g. he lost the mate to his shoe
           one eye was blue but its fellow was brown

    Synonym: fellow



1. place an opponent''s king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game

    e.g. Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves

    Synonym: checkmate

2. bring two objects, ideas, or people together

    e.g. This fact is coupled to the other one
           Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?
           The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project

    Synonym: matchcouplepairtwin

3. engage in sexual intercourse

    e.g. Birds mate in the Spring

    Synonym: copulatepaircouple

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