
marrow [ˈmærəʊ]  [ˈmæroʊ] 


marrow 基本解释

名词骨髓; 脊髓; 滋养品; 〈英〉食用葫芦

marrow 相关例句


1. danci.edu.pub

1. Fear took the marrow out of him.

marrow 网络解释

1. marrow的翻译

1. 骨髓:据研究显示,与骨髓 (marrow)部位接触之骨骼 (例如 trabeculae 及 endocortical surfaces)其 remodeling 的结果往往为『骨质负平衡』,每年骨质之损失在成年人约为0.75%,因此随着年龄之增加,骨质腔愈宽而骨质愈少.

2. 嫩葫芦:cos lettuce 莴苣 | marrow 嫩葫芦 | melon 香瓜,甜瓜

3. 西葫芦:hot pepper 辣椒 | marrow 西葫芦 | onion 洋葱

marrow 词典解释

1. 食用葫芦;西葫芦
    A marrow is a long, thick, green vegetable with soft white flesh that is eaten cooked.

in AM, use 美国英语用 squash

2. 同 bone marrow
    Marrow is the same as bone marrow .

    e.g. The marrow donor is her 14-month-old sister.

3. 精华;精髓;核心
    The marrow of something is the most important and basic part of it.

    e.g. We''re getting into the marrow of the film.

4. (寒冷)透骨地;(惊恐)万分地
    If you say that you are chilled to the marrow, you are emphasizing that you are extremely cold or extremely frightened.

    e.g. When I got back at about ten a.m. I was frozen to the marrow...
    e.g. The very thought of it chilled me to the marrow.

marrow 英英释义


1. the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones

    Synonym: bone marrow

2. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience

    e.g. the gist of the prosecutor''s argument
           the heart and soul of the Republican Party
           the nub of the story

    Synonym: kernelsubstancecorecentercentreessencegistheartheart and soulinwardnessmeatnubpithsumnitty-gritty

3. large elongated squash with creamy to deep green skins

    Synonym: vegetable marrow

4. very tender and very nutritious tissue from marrowbones

    Synonym: bone marrow

5. any of various squash plants grown for their elongated fruit with smooth dark green skin and whitish flesh

    Synonym: marrow squashvegetable marrow

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