
mall [mɔ:l]  [mɔl, mæl] 


mall 基本解释

名词购物中心; 林荫路; 铁圈球场

mall 情景对话

Shopping Centers-(购物中心)

B:What sort of shopping is nearby, Mr. Taylor?

A:Call me John. This is a great area of the city for shopping. There’s a grocery store just around the corner.

B:What about things other than food?

A:Well, the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it, including four major department stores.


B:Are there small shops near here as well?

A:Yes, on 4th street, near the movie theater there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.

B:Well, that sounds just wonderful.

A:Yes, it’s a really nice neighborhood.

mall 网络解释

1. 林荫路:欧纳西斯水库(Jacqueline Kennedy OnassisnReservoir),每天都有人围绕着水库慢跑;园中有动物园,Delacorte剧院(Delacorte Theater)上演莎翁剧作;Great Lawn举办大型音乐会;林荫路(Mall)是正式的散步场所;优雅的贝塞斯达喷泉

2. 购物商场:另一个我们熟悉的例子,则是百货公司和购物商场(mall). 自从一八五一年法国商人布其康(Aristide Boucicant)邀请巴黎铁塔建筑师艾菲尔(Gustave Eiffel)设计第一座百货公司Bon Marche(美丽市场之意)起,

3. 购物中心:大型(购物中心)(MALL)的运作方略商业规划与定位是整个MALL管理的基础;因此在项目开发之前就应该在仔细的调查分析的基础上进行全局规划,形成清晰的定位和商业运作思路,而不能单纯从地产的角度上去考虑资产升值;

4. 商场:专门衡量商场销售的ShopperTrak指数显示,即使在如此强劲的背景下,商场(mall)的销售额比去年同期还是降低了0.9%,折扣店再一次扩大了自己的优势,最风光的还是沃尔玛,截至上周五中午,半天内来此购物的人数超过1000万,创下纪录,

mall 词典解释

1. (封闭式)大型购物区,购物中心
    A mall is a very large enclosed shopping area.

mall 英英释义


1. mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers
    usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area
    a modern version of the traditional marketplace

    e.g. a good plaza should have a movie house
           they spent their weekends at the local malls

    Synonym: plazacentershopping mallshopping centershopping centre

2. a public area set aside as a pedestrian walk

    Synonym: promenade

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