1. 玉蜀黍:(2)541 鯷鱼(Anchovy) 是属於何类? 淡水鱼类海水鱼类两栖类甲壳类. (1)542 下列何者为淡水鱼?虹鳟(Rainbow Trout) 鳕鱼(Rock Cod)板鱼(Lemon Sole)(2)543 玉蜀黍(Maize) 属於下列何类食物?蔬菜类五谷类水果类豆荚类.
2. danci.911cha.com
2. 玉米黄:柠檬黄 lemon yellow lemon citrine citron | 玉米黄 maize | 橄榄黄 olive yellow
1. 玉米;玉蜀黍
Maize is a tall plant which produces long objects covered with yellow seeds called sweetcorn. It is often grown as a food crop.
e.g. ...vast fields of maize.
1. a strong yellow color
Synonym: gambogelemonlemon yellow
2. tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties
the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian times
Synonym: cornIndian cornZea mays