
magic spell

magic spell 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. When I was about to cast my greatest spell to prove my love to her, my magic failed.

2. Whenever any spell with the listed subtype is cast anywhere within the area of the Elemental Lord`s divine presence, it is instantly aware of the spell and can take control of the magic as he wishes.

3. magic spell什么意思

3. Spell-Like Abilities:1/day——call lightning, control weather, control winds, dominate animal, greater magic fang, protection from elements, quench, resist elements, Caster level 9th; save DC10+spell level.

4. magic spell的解释

4. This is not a business card printing and membership card making industry development paradox it 7 it bound to her like the magic spell-like business card printing and membership card production industry?

5. The Magocrats who ruled Dalaran founded the Kirin Tor, a specialized sect that was charged with cataloguing and researching every spell, artifact, and magic item known to mankind at the time.

6. Love is like being under a spell, an extraordinary magic spell....


7. She''''s under a magic spell.

8. magic spell在线翻译

8. 4 Paralyze Light Paralyze Paralyze temporarily prevents a monster from moving or attacking for the duration of this spell, which is 3 minutes per point of skill in Light Magic.
    4 定身大法 Light 定身大法发射该魔法可以麻痹怪兽,使其不能移动或攻击。其有效时间为魔法等级乘以3分钟。

9. Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Eschew Materials, Flyby Attack*, Great Cleave, Greater Spell Focus, Hover*, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack*, Improved Natural Attack*, Maximize SpellB, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken SpellB, Scribe ScrollB, Skilled, Spell Focus evocation

10. magic spell在线翻译

10. Spell-Like Abilities: At will—blasphemy (DC 26), dominate monster (DC 28), greater dispel magic, immolate(DC 24; note Quicken Spell-Like Ability feat), rain of fire (DC 24), shadow strike, unholy aura (DC 271/day—hellfire?
    类法术能力:随意使用----渎神之语(难度等级 26),支配怪物(难度等级 28),高等解除魔法,献祭(难度等级24;附带瞬发类法术能力专长),火焰雨?

11. Spell-Like Abilities: At will—animate dead, blasphemy, charm monster, charm person, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect thoughts, dispel magic, fear, greater dispelling, lightning bolt, polymorph self, pyrotechnics, read magic, see invisible, suggestion, symbol, telekinesis, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, and wall of fire; 1/day—feeblemind.

12. Cast a spell, from the old magic book.

13. Spell-Like Abilities:At will--clairaudience/clairvoyance, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fear, hold person, locate creature, ture seeing; 3/day--hold monster, mark of justice; 1/week--lesser geas.

14. By hurling insults and thrusting the magic ring in his face, the King forced the demon to reveal the spell which would protect from the fiend''s evil influence.

15. Attack Damage +50 Ability Power +15% Life Steal +12% Spell Vamp UNIQUE Active: Deals 200 magic damage and slows the target champion for 3 seconds (700 range).

16. He spoke a magic spell which immobilized fairies, then he went straight to the Jade Pool where he saw rare fruits and fine delicacies and smelt the fragrance of jade liquor.


17. Shin: Even my anti-mind-control magic could not relieve the dark spell on elder brother. What kind of creature the one who put it on is.....?

18. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

18. Spell-Like Abilities:At will--create water, detect evil, detect good, detect magic, invisibility, polymorph self, purify food and drink, see invisibility; 5/day--control water, gaseous form, solid fog, water breathing; 1/year--limited wish.

19. Shamanistic Rage is now a Physical ability instead of a Magic spell, and thus is no longer dispellable.

20. magic spell的解释

20. It casts a spell on the land and all fairy tail creatures and spins a web around. The poor Rainbow citizens are waiting for a hero who can remove the spell and bring peace to their kingdom. That hero is you, and you must free letters from the magic web to restore the real names of the magic scenery.
      它蒙上了拼写对土地和一切童话尾巴的动物和旋转的Web around.the穷人彩虹公民正等待英雄,谁可以消除拼写和带来和平,他们的英国,这是英雄,您必须免费的来信神奇的网络,以恢复真名实姓的神奇风光。

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