名词光度; 发光; 光明; 发光体
1. 光度:5 Lab Lab是以光度 (Luminosity)、 (绿红轴参数) (蓝黄轴参数)定义出的一种色彩模式,它的特点是不受周边环境的影响,而且色彩显示数量要远高于常用的RGB和CMYK,因此常在Photo CD中使用.
2. 光明:「明光」 (Clear Light)或光明 (luminosity)将会展现为声音,颜色和光能. 4.受生的业力中阴,就是我们通称的中阴身,它一直持续到我们投胎有新生命为止. 界定和分别每一种中阴的是,它们都是间隔或时段,其中特别呈现觉悟的可能性.在生 和死的过程中,
1. (恒星等的)光度,亮度
The luminosity of a star or sun is how bright it is.
e.g. For a few years its luminosity flared up to about 10,000 times the present-day luminosity of the Sun.
1. the quality of being luminous
emitting or reflecting light
e.g. its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun
Synonym: brightnessbrightness levelluminanceluminousnesslight