1. 芙蓉:堪称南山旗舰品牌的国际商务会议中心由著名设计大师倾心设计,总面积约一千平方米,分三秀(Ganoderma)、若木(ChinaRose)、泽兰(Feverwort)、芙蓉(Lotus)等多个特色迥异的系列会议厅;配备有最先进的视像同步传输系统等一系列具备国际专业水准的会务设施;
2. lotus:loads of trouble usually serious; 总有大麻烦
1. 荷花;莲花;莲属植物
A lotus or a lotus flower is a type of water lily that grows in Africa and Asia.
1. white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa
held sacred by the Egyptians
Synonym: white lotusEgyptian water lilywhite lilyNymphaea lotus
2. native to eastern Asia
widely cultivated for its large pink or white flowers