
lose it

lose it 双语例句

1. lose it的意思

1. On the practice of supply chain management, we always studied the carriers`performance when the shippers choose carriers to carry for him. This kind of research belong to afterwards assess, it is short of goad and initiative. Many cases about lose can be find everywhere because of choosing improper carriers, the main reason is that there exist asymmetric information between the shipper and the carrier.


2. Relatively shop at leaving the country, direct overseas website shops more be to one''s profit, it is with Nanjing exemple, the expenditure that goes back and forth between 3 night two days to Hong Kong on the weekend is probably 3500 go to 5000 yuan, this is hit namely probably lose season a LV or the price of GUCCI handbag, and shop on website of direct now overseas, can save this cost come down.

3. lose it是什么意思

3. Results:It was found that in experimental group, retinal neurofibril were disorder, the ganglion cell, the cells in inner and outer nuclear layer presented nibble like lysis, necrosis and lose. gradually at 1, 3, 5 day after moc...

4. As a result the Mountain Bull will lose its temper: it will summon the Wolf and then transfix the Ass and the Goat with its horn.

5. lose it是什么意思

5. I was anxious about it. I didn`t want to lose her.

6. It means the world to me, so it hurts when you lose.

7. Ok. Lisent. The last three years, I often lose my mind actruly. The university life is new, dance study work. form a baby to be a man. I have so many frinds with me and help me. but now……I`m really tird. Form the last three years I learnd so many things, how to dill with the probems, how to work I it batter, and so on.
    23号交图纸,24、25和导师谈具体科研项目的内容,然后马上回家看老爸给我找的那个什么 XXX 亲戚,石油勘探部的,了解不是很多,有点不太想去,但是老爸给我商量过了,还是回去看看,然后和那几个兄弟们北京见面,日,老子就这么被你们结束了。

8. The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tight

9. danci.edu.pub

9. IPD refers a kind of responsibility, because there is no individual account on pay as you go system, so it will lose some pension accumulation, and government must take on this duty.

10. lose it的翻译

10. F; q8 G# l. Z1 F+ p q9 H It''s true that we don''t know what we''ve got until we lose it, but it''s also true that we don''t know what we''ve been missing until it arrives.

11. He will lose none of his Authority; no, not bate an Ace of it: He is humorous 1 to his Wife, he beats his Children, is angry with his Servants, strict with his Neighbors, revenges all Affronts to Extremity; but, alas, forgets all the while that he is the Man; and is more in Arrear to God, that is so very patient with him, than they are to him with whom he is so strict and impatient.

12. If you give it up, you`ll lose your mind

13. It is important not to lose your head.

14. lose it

14. Suddenly you get a pain in your head and lose it.

15. lose it的近义词

15. It causes not only the secondary detachment of retina, but also causes to vision lose.

16. lose it的意思

16. While it''s true that it''s important to have a caloric deficient in order to lose weight, the importance of your lean body mass is often overlooked.

17. But it would be a great start. There is no time to lose.

18. It is a learning, which has come slowly to me and has been wrought in the fires of pain and in the waters of patience. I am learning that I must free the one I love, for if I clutch or cling, try to control, I lose what I try to hold.

19. From now on I''ll lose the one I love. but there''s no way to come with you while it''s a only way to do.

20. If the soft is weakness and senility, it just is in comedown after leaping. There is no win or lose.

lose it 单语例句

1. A permanent home in Vegas might make sense, but it would lose its Broadway cachet.

2. It is hard to predict whether Chinese calligraphy will see a rebirth or lose itself amid its flirtation with new trends in world art.

3. Tracy also regularly sweats it out with Madonna and Gwyneth, using a cardio dance aerobics programme she created to help clients lose fat.

4. Many Chinese believe winter is a good time to gain some weight, but summer is when to lose it.

5. If the city does not continue to develop, it will lose its status as an international commercial center.

6. Like any new tool or method in the market, it will quickly lose its edge and become commonplace.

7. If the United States does not compete for advanced manufacturing in industries like consumer electronics, it could lose product engineering and design as well.

8. It takes 30 years for this contaminant to lose its power by half - what experts refer to as a " half life ".

9. Zheng found through investigations that no matter how rich they are, private entrepreneurs will surely lose their wealth once local officials covet it.

10. Something precious and something from the kitchen cupboard, knowing he would lose it.

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