
load [ləʊd]  [loʊd] 


load 基本解释

名词负荷; 装载; 负担; 工作量

及物动词使担负; 装填; 把…装入或装上; 装满,堆积

不及物动词加载; 装载; 装货

load 同义词

load 反义词



load 相关词组

1. take a load off one's feet : 坐下休息;

2. have a load on : 喝醉;

load 相关例句


1. We loaded the truck with bananas.


2. The air was loaded with soot.


1. Have they finished loading up yet?


1. Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctors.

2. load

2. The good news has taken a load off my mind.

load 网络解释

1. 载荷:车轮载荷 加载荷(Load)时,以动态弯曲疲劳实验为依据. 试验台有一个旋转装置,车轮可在一个固定不动的弯矩作用下旋转,或是车轮静止不动而承受一个旋转弯曲力矩作用. 为了能在PATRAN中实现这一载荷,将偏心距向车轮中心移置,

2. 负载:常见的路由度量标准 跳数(Hop Count) 带宽(Bandwidth) 延迟(Delay) 负载(Load) 可靠性(Reliability) 代价(Cost)9. 默认管理距离 10. 确定路由器的下一跳11. 确定最近的路由更新12. 通常的网络故常测试顺序 网络基本测试一般从第1层开始一直进行到第7层;

3. 装货:[巧记]吃过一个(loaf)面包,有了力气装货(load)[巧记]胡(hu)萝卜和馒(man)头是人类的食物

4. load:lose and damage; 损失

5. load:late-onset alzheimer ' s disease; 晚发性阿尔茨海默病

load 词典解释

1. 装载;装满
    If you load a vehicle or a container, you put a large quantity of things into it.

    e.g. The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck...
    e.g. Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with lasagne...

...the loading of baggage onto international flights.

2. 负载;重荷
    A load is something, usually a large quantity or heavy object, which is being carried.


    e.g. He drove by with a big load of hay...
    e.g. He was carrying a very heavy load.

3. 一批待洗的衣物
    A load is a quantity of clothes or sheets which need washing and which are washed together in a washing machine.

    e.g. I put another load in the washing machine.

4. 很多;大量
    If you refer to a load of people or things or loads of them, you are emphasizing that there are a lot of them.

    e.g. I''ve got loads of money...
    e.g. His people came up with a load of embarrassing information...

5. 给(枪、炮等)装填弹药
    When someone loads a weapon such as a gun, they put a bullet or missile in it so that it is ready to use.

    e.g. I knew how to load and handle a gun...
    e.g. He carried a loaded gun...

6. 把(胶卷、磁带等)装入;将(数据)载入
    To load a camera or other piece of equipment means to put film, tape, or data into it so that it is ready to use.

    e.g. A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film...
    e.g. A technician loads a video tape into one of the machines...

7. 工作量
    You can refer to the amount of work you have to do as a load .

    e.g. She''s taking some of the load off the secretaries.

8. (尤指电网或计算机的)负荷
    The load of a system or piece of equipment, especially a system supplying electricity or a computer, is the extent to which it is being used at a particular time.

    e.g. An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations...
    e.g. Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program.

9. 荷载;压力;负担
    The load on something is the amount of weight that is pressing down on it or the amount of strain that it is under.

    e.g. Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground...
    e.g. High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart.

10. see also: loaded
      a load off your mind -> see mind

相关词组:load download up

load 英英释义


1. goods carried by a large vehicle

    Synonym: cargoladingfreightloadingpayloadshipmentconsignment

2. weight to be borne or conveyed

    Synonym: loadingburden

3. electrical device to which electrical power is delivered

4. the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents

    Synonym: warheadpayload

5. an onerous or difficult concern

    e.g. the burden of responsibility
           that''s a load off my mind

    Synonym: burdenencumbranceincumbranceonus

6. a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks

    Synonym: lode

7. the power output of a generator or power plant

8. an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate

    e.g. he got a load on and started a brawl

9. a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time

    e.g. the system broke down under excessive loads

    Synonym: loading



1. corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
    often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones

    e.g. adulterate liquor

    Synonym: adulteratestretchdilutedebase

2. fill or place a load on

    e.g. load a car
           load the truck with hay

    Synonym: ladeladenload up

3. provide (a device) with something necessary

    e.g. He loaded his gun carefully
           load the camera

    Synonym: charge

4. put (something) on a structure or conveyance

    e.g. load the bags onto the trucks

5. transfer from a storage device to a computer''s memory

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