
letting down

letting down 双语例句

1. In addition to letting up the voltage drop, more important step - down coupling noise.

2. They are there to guide us, to teach us, and to encourage us to continue down our path, letting us know that we are not alone in our practice.

3. Many found their memories letting them down towards the end of the day, but the following morning, those who had slept well could recall much more.

4. letting down

4. When he thought of these things, Rosicky would put on his cap and jacket and slip down to the barn and give his work-horses a little extra oats, letting them eat it out of his hand in their slobbery fashion.

5. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again.

6. It''s often not bad enough to let ourselves down, so in addition, we need the fear of letting lots of other people down to keep us on track.

7. letting down是什么意思

7. In one of `Myth` paintings, the huge stones almost occupy fully the whole surface; in contrast, the figures let down, after intense struggle, as if collapsedly, chikenlike, tiny, impotent, unreconciled and depressed, just like giving up battling with the stones. In this series of heroist mode, particularly as against with the picture surfaces in which the giantlike bodies and energy are expressed, the figures in it even look a sense of funniness – wherein we are certain that irony has been engaged in his paintings, and it can be understood as a self-irony that it is not a floppy laziness, while he indeed does not need to tighten his muscles, not to keep a zealous and single gesture for fighting, as if it seems difficult for everything to continue, and in the paintings when the heroes unpack the stones, the artist seems unpack the dream of heroes, letting alone the huge stones burning and overspreading, surrounding us, pressing us and scorching us, even running over the whole picture. It suffocates us with all these heaviness, hardness, and acuity, as registers our weak life like a paper-cut.

8. To the casual observer, they look like equals, but the Jaguar just isn''t put together quite right, and you can count on it letting you down at inopportune moments.

9. And he didn''t always back down to Roach on some issues (like letting his fans in to watch him train).

10. 公共查询·英语单词

10. But the ebullient Mr Ma is not letting such lack of faith get him down.

11. You have to down the liquor, letting the toe touch your lips, and that''s it.

12. Jenga is a game that needs physical and mental skill, the aim is to build a tower without letting the blocks fall down.

13. You are letting them down if you do.

14. letting down是什么意思

14. Further clicking on 进一步点击 will expand the sub folders, letting you zoom down into which specific sub folders that consume the most memory space.

15. It would cost a long time and would be complex, if letting the ATmega16 to calculate the frequency in every interrupt service routine in the period of Speed-up and Speed-down.

16. danci.edu.pub

16. Do you think I''m letting you down?

17. I''ve been letting you down, down

18. He could force hard deals and millions of dollars out of Motown, CBS and Sony in face-to-face confrontations; he could fire his manager and his lawyer, after years of service, without a trace of sentiment, for letting down the brand; he could beat Paul McCartney to the Beatles` back catalogue and exploit it ruthlessly, despite their friendship.

19. letting down

19. Just think about it just think about it lately i''ve been skeptical silent when i would use to speak distant from all around me who witness me fail and become weak life is overwhelming heavy is the head that wears the crown i''d love to be the one too disappoint you when I don''t fall down {pre-chorus} but you don''t understand when i''m attempting to explain because you know it all and i guess things will never change but you might need my hand when falling in your whole your disposition i''ll remember when i''m letting go of...
      请考虑最近刚刚考虑它i 怀疑寂静,i 将使用讲不太明显到处我什么时候,谁目睹我失败并且变得弱生活压倒一切重我很愿意是一个人也失望你的做皇帝的头,当我不摔倒时{预合唱}但是你不理解,当i 试图解释时,因为你自称无所不知的人,并且i 猜测事情绝不会改变,但是你可能需要我的手当掉入整个你的性格时,i 将记得什么时候i放开。。。

20. letting down是什么意思

20. Be in current we the times with this market very intense competition, the premise that the force of culture lets people be agreed with in consistent value namely goes down to finish to make everybody likely the thing of benefit, accordingly, with the name of the interest, letting culture make competitive tool had been one.

letting down 单语例句

1. Construction firms are letting go of more workers as the housing sector slumps and federal stimulus spending on public works projects winds down.

2. He said that pharmacies that count on state reimbursements could shut down, and suppliers could stop delivering food to Illinois prisons or letting state troopers buy gasoline.

3. He preferred to make a " down payment " in the fiscal negotiations by letting the top earners tax rates go up.

4. Coal companies in developed countries long ago introduced technology to draw out methane before letting miners get down to work in shafts.

5. But let''s face it, that''s nothing compared to letting down an entire nation.

6. " I am sorry for letting our fans down, " Wei said.

7. He even bowed down in front of the camera to apologize for " letting down his country and people ".

8. " These findings indicate that the NHS dental system is letting many patients down very badly, " said Grant.

9. I need to get up and run fast from the gun, not be scared of letting myself down.

10. " We said if Bernie would sit down with us, we would give great consideration to letting Ruth out " of the lawsuit.

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