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lay out [lei aut]  [le aʊt] 

lay out 基本解释

展示; 设计; 安排; 陈设

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lay out 网络解释

1. 布置:设计人员人人都做总布置,做部件布置(Lay out)人更多. 部件布置工作做得很细,因此局部结构很精细,产品档次高. (1)在建立整车三维参数化图形库、整车车型参数数据库、整车设计标准库的基础上,通过Pro/ENGINEER软件进行二次开发,

2. lay out

2. 布局:适合使用者在现有生产线上有额外需求,又不便更改布局(lay out)者,纳入解决方案使用. 如搭配无人搬运车时,便可以负责多次快速、长距离传送较轻物件安置后,一次进行较短或复杂路径搬运. 相对符合多数亚洲电子、光电业的日系整线/厂规划特性,

3. 设计:139.Lay up叠合 | 140.Lay out设计 | 141.Lot size 批量

4. 安排:Stick out 凸显 | Lay out 安排 | Miniature 社会缩影

lay out 词典解释

1. (整齐地)铺开,展开,摊开
    If you lay out a group of things, you spread them out and arrange them neatly, for example so that they can all be seen clearly.

    e.g. Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table...
    e.g. She took a deck of cards and began to lay them out.

2. 阐述;讲解;说明
    To lay out ideas, principles, or plans means to explain or present them clearly, for example in a document or a meeting.

    e.g. Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan...
    e.g. Cuomo laid it out in simple language.

3. 规划,布置,设计(场地或建筑)
    To lay out an area of land or a building means to plan and design how its different parts should be arranged.


    e.g. When we laid out the car parks, we reckoned on one car per four families...
    e.g. Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it out.

4. 为(死者)做殡葬准备(或化妆)
    To lay out a dead person means to clean their body and dress them for people to see before the funeral.

    e.g. Friends laid out the body.

5. 花(大钱)
    If you lay out money on something, you spend a large amount of money on it.

    e.g. You won''t have to lay out a fortune for this dining table.

6. 把(某人)击倒在地
    To lay someone out means to knock them to the ground, especially by hitting them hard.

    e.g. Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.

7. see also: layout

lay out 英英释义


1. get ready for a particular purpose or event

    e.g. set up an experiment
           set the table
           lay out the tools for the surgery

    Synonym: set upset

2. provide a detailed plan or design

    e.g. She laid out her plans for the new house

3. bring forward and present to the mind

    e.g. We presented the arguments to him
           We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason

    Synonym: presentrepresent

4. lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line

    e.g. lay out the clothes
           lay out the arguments

    Synonym: rangearrayset out

5. spend or invest

    e.g. lay out thousands on gold
           he laid out a fortune in the hope of making a huge profit

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