
lap [læp]  [læp] 


lap 基本解释

及物动词折叠; 包裹,缠绕; 使搭接; 磨亮,磨平

不及物动词折叠; 部分重叠; 舔; 包围

名词膝; 下摆; 一圈跑道; 范围

lap 相关词组

1. throw oneself into the lap of : 投靠;

2. in the lap of luxury : 在奢侈环境中;

3. in the lap of the gods : 在神的掌管之中;

lap 相关例句


1. She lapped my finger with gauze.

2. The dog lapped up the water.


1. lap在线翻译

1. The shingles lapped over each other.



1. I''m going to drop the whole thing in your lap.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. With one lap of his tongue the bear finished the honey.

lap 网络解释

1. 圈:注意: 一圈( LAP) 指上升 或下降等于或大于150英尺或多或50米. 在秒表( stopwatch)功能和倒计时功能开始时,HRM记忆功能将启动,它记录了在一次训练中总的训练时间,训练期间的最大、最小、平均心率,保持在目标心率区之内、之上、之下的时间.

2. 大腿:带蓬货车(van)布是帆,扇子(fan)煽动是要反--押韵的尾字均为相应单词谐音.同~ap 串记:打盹(nap) 帽子(cap)轻轻叩(tap),地图(map)大腿(lap)生裂口(gap).

3. lap的反义词

3. 膝盖:适用于2至6岁的儿童. (因为他们在使用这种软件时坐在父母亲的膝盖 (lap)上)Multimedia Compact Disc 多媒体光盘(MMCD)

4. 亮氨酸氨基转肽酶:另外血清AFU活惟测定在某些转移性肝癌、肺癌、乳腺癌、卵巢或子宫癌之间有一些重叠肝功能指标,甚至在某些非肿瘤性疾患如肝硬化、慢性肝炎和消化道出血等也有轻度升高,因此要注意鉴别. 另外在患有肝脏肿瘤时γ-GT、ALP、亮氨酸氨基转肽酶(LAP)、5'-NT等也常常出现升高.

5. lap:low-altitude-penetration; 低空突防

6. lap:left intraauricular pressure; 左房压

7. lap:link access procedure; 链路访问规程,链路接入规程

8. lap:laboratory accreditation program; 的实验室认可计划

lap 词典解释

1. (人坐着时的)大腿部
    If you have something on your lap when you are sitting down, it is on top of your legs and near to your body.

    e.g. She waited quietly with her hands in her lap...
    e.g. Hugh glanced at the child on her mother''s lap.

2. (比赛中的)一圈
    In a race, a competitor completes a lap when they have gone round a course once.


    e.g. ...that last lap of the race...
    e.g. On lap two, Baker edged forward.

3. (比赛中)对…完成套圈
    In a race, if you lap another competitor, you go past them while they are still on the previous lap.

    e.g. He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.

4. 一段路程;一段行程
    A lap of a long journey is one part of it, between two points where you stop.

    e.g. I had thought we might travel as far as Oak Valley, but we only managed the first lap of the journey.

5. (水)轻拍,轻打
    When water laps against something such as the shore or the side of a boat, it touches it gently and makes a soft sound.


    e.g. ...the water that lapped against the pillars of the boathouse...
    e.g. With a rising tide the water was lapping at his chin before rescuers arrived...

The only sound was the lapping of the waves.

6. (动物)舐,舔
    When an animal laps a drink, it uses short quick movements of its tongue to take liquid up into its mouth.

    e.g. The cat lapped milk from a dish.

7. (成败)难以预料,非人力所能左右
    If you say that a situation is in the lap of the gods, you mean that its success or failure depends entirely on luck or on things that are outside your control.

    e.g. They had to stop the operation, so at that stage my life was in the lap of the gods.

8. 养尊处优;锦衣玉食
    If you say that someone lives in the lap of luxury, you mean that they live in conditions of great comfort and wealth.

    e.g. We don''t live in the lap of luxury, but we''re comfortable.

相关词组:lap up

lap 英英释义


1. touching with the tongue

    e.g. the dog''s laps were warm and wet

    Synonym: lick

2. movement once around a course

    e.g. he drove an extra lap just for insurance

    Synonym: circlecircuit

3. a flap that lies over another part

    e.g. the lap of the shingles should be at least ten inches

    Synonym: overlap

4. the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs

    e.g. his lap was covered with food stains

    Synonym: lap covering

5. the upper side of the thighs of a seated person

    e.g. he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap

6. an area of control or responsibility

    e.g. the job fell right in my lap



1. wash or flow against

    e.g. the waves laved the shore

    Synonym: lavewash

2. take up with the tongue

    e.g. The cat lapped up the milk
           the cub licked the milk from its mother''s breast

    Synonym: lap uplick

3. pass the tongue over

    e.g. the dog licked her hand

    Synonym: lick

4. move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing sound

    e.g. The bubbles swoshed around in the glass
           The curtain swooshed open

    Synonym: swishswoshswoosh

5. lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another

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