


LADS 基本解释

Low-Altitude Detection System 低空探测系统;英>非正>伙伴们;男孩( lad的名词复数 );

LADS 网络解释

1. 快 大家快走 快点:Get out of the door! Go!|快出去 快 | Come on, lads! Go, lads, go!|快 大家快走 快点 | Out!|快出去

2. 伙计们:I'm sticking to the cemeteries.|我就主攻墓地了 | Lads.|伙计们 | Remember, you are our apprentice,|记住,你是我们的学徒

3. 小伙子们:They'll be the saviours of Leeds United, this lot.|他们会成为利兹的救星 | Lads.|小伙子们 | What you buy them for?|你买他们干吗

4. 否 登录异常探测系统:kheader 否 导入服务 | lads 否 登录异常探测系统 | laptop mode 否 电源管理

5. LADS在线翻译

5. lads:laser area defense system; 固体激光区域防御系统

6. lads:low altitude defence system; 低空防御系统

7. lads:low altitude detection system; 低空探测系统

8. lads:local area data set; 本地区数据设置

LADS 双语例句

1. LADS的近义词

1. We`d love to be able to keep these two handsome lads together and are offering a reduced adoption fee as an incentive.

2. The coach of the Tuscan team said: My Livorno stopped the great Milan - it was a difficult task, I can only give my compliments to the lads who obtained an important point.

3. LADS的解释

3. We''ll get to the Arctic Circle, lads!


4. She dosed the jeering lads with a buket of water.

5. LADS是什么意思

5. He doesn''t go out with the lads so much these days. Michelle keeps himon a tight leash.

6. I am sure his attitude relaxed his players and put a few doubts among the Chelsea lads.

7. Nay … lads, he''s more sharp-eyed than you are.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. Now, my sick fool Roderigo, Whom love hath turn''d almost the wrong side out, To Desdemona hath to-night caroused Potations pottle-deep; and he''s to watch: Three lads of Cyprus, noble swelling spirits, That hold their honours in a wary distance, The very elements of this warlike isle, Have I to-night fluster''d with flowing cups, And they watch too.

9. Our lads were fantastic with their penalties, they put them away with conviction and never looked like missing them.

10. I will see to it that plucky young lads/lasses in strange clothes and with the accent of an outlander shall REGULARLY climb some monument in the main sqaure of my capital and denounce me, claim to know the secret of my power, rally the masses to rebellion, etc.

11. I`m going to join up with our brave lads in grey.

12. The lads say they''re going to crack a crib on that new expensive housing estate.

13. LADS

13. Like his sexagenarian crony, Hsieh Chu-tsai (and you could often see his pair of white-haired bandits walking along arm-in-arm like middle-school lads), he had an erect and vigorous step, bright and merry eyes, and a pair of muscular legs that had carried him across the greatest rivers and mountain ranges of China on the Long March.
      像他的 60 老翁的同辈谢觉哉(你可以常常看到这一对白发土匪在携手同行,好像中学生一样)一样,他步履矫健,双目炯炯,他的一双健腿在长征途上曾经帮他渡过大河,爬过高山。

14. LADS在线翻译

14. Right after the ringing of lunch bell, groups and crowds of lads and lasses ran out of the stone

15. Because we''re food for worms, lads!

16. Phoebe: Oh! Look at you, fancy lads.

17. LADS是什么意思

17. Certainly the moment was propitious for the four lads from Liverpool.

18. danci.edu.pub

18. All right, lads. Let''s launch me off into the flaming belly of hell.

19. LADS

19. Arsenal lost but this was no Greek tragedy, these lads were pride of Britain.

20. It''s there to remind our lads who they''re playing for, and to remind the oppo

LADS 单语例句

1. I have great faith in the lads and we mustn''t back up even an inch.

2. Fearing a beating from their parents, the lads decided to hit the road and left home on Nov 26.

3. The arrangement allowed the Chinese lads to mingle with the club''s big names such as Andriy Shevchenko and Michael Ballack on and off the pitch.

4. " I thought our lads were extremely professional, " he said.

5. It''s good news for the city''s stylish lads and lasses, with several new centers opened just in time to stock summer''s hot new looks.

6. " A couple of the lads stood up, " Beckham wrote.

7. It''s been a really top quality performance from the lads this week.

8. " It''s a great satisfaction - these lads are fantastic, " Lippi said as Italy reached the final for the first time since 1994.

9. After walking another 20 metres, another bunch of lads turned up and did the same thing.

10. " I think it''s a just reward for these lads after a year of sacrifices, " Lazio coach Delio Rossi told Rai television.

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