
labour [''leɪbə(r)]  [ˈlebɚ] 


labour 基本解释

名词劳动; 劳工; 分娩,临产阵痛; 工作,活计

不及物动词劳动,努力; 艰难行进; 分娩,产前阵痛; 使疲倦

labour 网络解释

1. labour的近义词

1. 劳工:生产要素,顾而这之,是生产时候所需要的原素,主要有要四类,分别是土地(Land)、劳工(Labour)、资本(Capital)和企业家职能(Entreperneurship). 土地是指自然资源,劳工代表人力资源、资本是人造资源,而企业家职能则是企业中最重要的责任,

2. 劳动力:它直接有助于产品以合理价格迅速销出(distribution),在稳定国内市场(home market)的同时,使产品能以有竞争力(competitive)的价格出口进入国际市场;它给人以新的消费观,从而大大地提高人们的生活标准;它增加了市场需求(demand),扩大了劳动力(labour)市场,有效地扩大了

3. 工党:周二民调显示,保守党民调支持率达37%,工党(Labour)支持率29%,自由民主党(Liberal Democrats)为26%. ComRes指出,保守党将取得264席,距离成为多数党还缺32个席次. 大选结果明确后应当会降低政治不确定性,并降低风险溢价,

labour 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 labor

1. (辛苦的)劳动,劳作;(通常指)体力劳动
    Labour is very hard work, usually physical work.

    e.g. ...the labour of seeding, planting and harvesting...
    e.g. The chef at the barbecue looked up from his labours; he was sweating.

2. (用手)劳动
    Someone who labours works hard using their hands.

    e.g. ...peasants labouring in the fields...
    e.g. Her husband laboured at the plant for 17 years.

3. 艰苦地做;吃力地做
    If you labour to do something, you do it with difficulty.


    e.g. For twenty-five years now he has laboured to build a religious community.
    e.g. ...a young man who''s labouring under all kinds of other difficulties.

4. (总称)劳工,工人
    Labour is used to refer to the workers of a country or industry, considered as a group.

    e.g. Latin America lacked skilled labour...
    e.g. ...the struggle between capital and labour...

5. 劳动成果
    The work done by a group of workers or by a particular worker is referred to as their labour .

    e.g. Every man should receive a fair price for the product of his labour...
    e.g. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power.

6. (英国)工党
    In Britain, people use Labour to refer to the Labour Party.

    e.g. He believes that, historically, Labour has been most successful as the party that helped people get on in life...
    e.g. They all vote Labour.

7. 工党的;支持工党的
    A Labour politician or voter is a member of a Labour Party or votes for a Labour Party.


    e.g. ...a Labour MP...
    e.g. Millions of Labour voters went unrepresented.

8. 误以为;为…所蒙蔽
    If you labour under a delusion or misapprehension, you continue to believe something which is not true.

    e.g. She laboured under the illusion that I knew what I was doing...
    e.g. You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions.

9. 一再重申;反复说明
    If you labour a point or an argument, you keep making the same point or saying the same thing, although it is unnecessary.


    e.g. I don''t want to labour the point but there it is.

10. 分娩;临盆
      Labour is the last stage of pregnancy, in which the baby is gradually pushed out of the womb by the mother.

      e.g. I thought the pains meant I was going into labour.
      e.g. Some women prefer to move about during labour.

labour 英英释义


1. productive work (especially physical work done for wages)

    e.g. his labor did not require a great deal of skill

    Synonym: labortoil

2. a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages

    e.g. there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field

    Synonym: laborworking classproletariat

3. concluding state of pregnancy
    from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child

    e.g. she was in labor for six hours

    Synonym: parturiencylaborconfinementlying-intravailchildbed


1. undergo the efforts of childbirth

    Synonym: labor

2. strive and make an effort to reach a goal

    e.g. She tugged for years to make a decent living
           We have to push a little to make the deadline!
           She is driving away at her doctoral thesis

    Synonym: tuglaborpushdrive

3. work hard

    e.g. She was digging away at her math homework
           Lexicographers drudge all day long

    Synonym: labortoilfagtravailgrinddrudgedigmoil

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