
kink [kɪŋk]  [kɪŋk] 


kink 基本解释



kink 相关例句


1. There are still a few kinks to be worked out of the plan before we start production.

2. kink在线翻译

2. He had a kink about it.

kink 网络解释

1. 扭结:纳米管往往会随着不可预测的扭结(kink)而生长,并且会因弯曲造成有害的布线连接. Standford研究人员假设工程师因此必须设计出一种无须考虑纳米管在哪里以及如何放置,都一样能工作的电路.

2. 扭折:该小组认为,在高温下扭折(kink)与点缺陷(point defect)完全活化,是碳管能超塑性变形的主因. 而原子扩散可以帮助缺陷愈合并防止裂缝产生,也在过程中扮演重要角色. 这意味著将奈米碳管加入陶瓷所制成的复合物,可望同时具备高强度及高延展性,

kink 词典解释

1. (直线物体上的)弯,结
    A kink is a curve or twist in something which is otherwise or normally straight.

    e.g. ...a tiny black kitten with tufted ears and a kink in her tail.

2. (使)弯曲;(使)扭结;(使)绞缠
    If something kinks or is kinked, it has, or it develops a curve or twist in it.

    e.g. ...her wet hair kinking in the breeze...
    e.g. Care is needed when loading the roll to prevent twisting or kinking the film...

3. (尤指古怪)念头;奇想,怪癖
    A kink is a particular quality or feature of a person''s mind or character, especially one which is thought to be unusual or abnormal.

    e.g. What kink did he have in his character?

4. 解决问题
    If someone works out the kinks in a situation, they resolve the problems associated with it.


    e.g. ...working out the kinks of a potential trade agreement.
    e.g. ...joint sessions with her, to work out the kinks in the marriage.

kink 英英释义


1. a difficulty or flaw in a plan or operation

    e.g. there are still a few kinks to iron out

2. an eccentric idea

3. a person with unusual sexual tastes

4. a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight

    Synonym: twisttwirl

5. a painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back (`rick'' and `wrick'' are British)

    Synonym: crickrickwrick



1. form a curl, curve, or kink

    e.g. the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling

    Synonym: curlcurve

2. curl tightly

    e.g. crimp hair

    Synonym: crimpcrapefrizzlefrizzkink up

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