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keep up是什么意思 keep up在线翻译 keep up什么意思 keep up的意思 keep up的翻译 keep up的解释 keep up的发音 keep up的同义词 keep up的反义词

keep up [ki:p ʌp]  [kip ʌp] 

keep up 基本解释

不及物动词保持; 不减弱, (天气)持续不变; 保养; (使)不倒下; 保持不衰退

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keep up 情景对话


A:All my bags are checked in. I guess I''m all set to go.

B:I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip.

A:I am sure. So, we''ll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month.


B:Yes, that''s right. They''ll be there in no time.

A:Good. Tell Mr. Gao at the factory to keep up the good work.

B:I think all the products are going to sell very well.

A:We hope so! It''s always good to work with you, Tom.

B:I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won''t be disappointed.

A:I''m sure I won''t. I really appreciate all of your hospitality.

B:It was my please.And I''d like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.

A:This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean?

keep up是什么意思

B:They mean long life. I remember you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum.So I thought you might like it.

A:That''s very nice of you. Where did you get it? It''s not a print.

B:No, it''s an original. My father''s friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you.And his name and the date are on the bottom.

keep up的解释

A:I''ll hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didn''t get you anything.

B:Don''t worry about it. It''s a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship.

keep up的近义词

A:If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family.And I''ll be able to show you around our city.

B:Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife.

keep up

A:You do the same. Well, I''d better go. Thanks again for everything.

keep up 网络解释

1. 保持:hold up耽搁 | keep up保持 | look up查找;找出

2. 维持:keep out 挡住,使不进去 | keep up维持 | keep from阻止,抑制

3. 坚持:hold up 延误 | keep up 坚持 | cut down砍倒

4. 继续:29. stay put 待在原地 | 30. keep up 继续 | 31. tie up 占用

keep up 词典解释

1. (与…)齐步前进;不落后(于…)
    If you keep up with someone or something that is moving near you, you move at the same speed.

    e.g. She shook her head and started to walk on. He kept up with her.

2. 跟上(变化等)
    To keep up with something that is changing means to be able to cope with the change, usually by changing at the same rate.

    e.g. ...wage increases which keep up with inflation...
    e.g. Things are changing so fast, it''s hard to keep up.

3. 跟上(活儿、人等);同…做(或理解)得一样好
    If you keep up with your work or with other people, you manage to do or understand all your work, or to do or understand it as well as other people.

    e.g. Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work...
    e.g. Life is tough for kids who aren''t keeping up in school.

4. 了解;熟悉
    If you keep up with what is happening, you make sure that you know about it.

    e.g. She did not bother to keep up with the news.

5. 继续做(或提供)
    If you keep something up, you continue to do it or provide it.

    e.g. I was so hungry all the time that I could not keep the diet up for longer than a month...
    e.g. They risk losing their homes because they can no longer keep up the repayments.

6. 使不减少(或降低)
    If you keep something up, you prevent it from growing less in amount, level, or degree.

    e.g. There will be a major incentive among TV channels to keep standards up...
    e.g. Opposition forces are keeping up the pressure against the government.

7. see also: keep 23;25

keep up 英英释义

keep up在线翻译


1. prevent from going to bed at night

    e.g. The anticipation of the trip kept the children up all night
           I kept myself up all night studying for the exam

2. keep informed

    e.g. He kept up on his country''s foreign policies

    Synonym: keep abreastfollow

3. maintain a required pace or level

    e.g. He could not keep up and dropped out of the race

4. keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction

    e.g. We preserve these archeological findings
           The old lady could not keep up the building
           children must be taught to conserve our national heritage
           The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts

    Synonym: conservepreservemaintain

5. lengthen or extend in duration or space

    e.g. We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible
           prolong the treatment of the patient
           keep up the good work

    Synonym: prolongsustain

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