1. He is justified in giving up the job.
1. 合理的:这个说明用 得到论证的,合理的(justified)、真的(true)、以及信念(belief)三样东西来诠释何谓知识.柏拉图认为, 灵魂和理念一样都是先于肉体而存在的, 可以说, 灵魂也就是理念, 而且是永存不朽的.
2. 对齐:大写字母总是紧贴基线,并在 基线之上中文的字体和英文的大写字母情况一样下图红色的线就是基线对齐(Alignment) 段落的对齐基本有四种:左对齐(flush left)、右对齐(flush right)、居中对齐(centered)和两端对齐(justified)
3. 合理:这种追寻并不讨论我们现有的法律实践是如何从合理(justified)的原则中衍生出来的. 也不是从对那些原则的道德状况的任何预先假设开始的. 相反,我们只是希望能够识别出实践中的规范性的重要因素,并将它们作为实践的具像(embodiments)来进行解释.
1. (决定、行为或想法)正当的,合理的
If you describe a decision, action, or idea as justified, you think it is reasonable and acceptable.
e.g. In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.
2. (做…)有正当理由的
If you think that someone is justified in doing something, you think that their reasons for doing it are good and valid.
e.g. He''s absolutely justified in resigning. He was treated shamefully.
1. having words so spaced that lines have straight even margins