1. The medicine was a clear jelly.
2. She was so nervous before the performance that she was shaking like a jelly.
1. 凝胶:另外、网状分子锁即使吸收再多水份仍可保持凝胶 (Jelly) 状态. 这个构造让尿液即使施 以外在压力也不外漏. 因为高分子吸收体技术、纸尿裤的吸水性及保水性有飞跃性的进步,大大改善尿液外漏、 逆流. 因此纸张与纤维使用量减少,
2. 果子冻:优柔寡断的indecisive,比喻表现中以果子冻(jelly)喻之. 据说从前美国有位政坛要人,拒任总统顾问,原因在他认为总统是个jelly head. 阿尊是个优柔寡断的人:John is a grape jelly person,说成葡萄果冻,可能由于葡萄有酸有甜,
3. jelly
3. 冻胶:在水中膨胀可变成透明冻胶(jelly),但一部分可溶解成为胶体状,非单一物质,主要是由半乳糖醛酸(galacturonic acid)、 L-岩藻糖(L-fucose)、D-木糖(D-xylose)所构成的指产于近东各地的豆科紫云英属植物分泌的一种胶质.
1. 果冻
Jelly is a transparent, usually coloured food that is eaten as a dessert. It is made from gelatine, fruit juice, and sugar.
e.g. ...a large bowl of jelly.
2. (通常涂在面包上浓稠的)果酱
Jelly is a thick sweet food that is made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar, and that is usually spread on bread.
e.g. I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
3. (稀薄而透明的)果酱
Jelly is a thin clear sweet food that is made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar.
e.g. ...toast piled thick with butter and bramble jelly.
4. 胶状物;胶凝物
A jelly is a transparent substance that is not completely solid.
e.g. ...meat in jelly.
5. see also: royal jelly
1. a preserve made of the jelled juice of fruit
2. an edible jelly (sweet or pungent) made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods
Synonym: gelatin
3. any substance having the consistency of jelly or gelatin