
interdict [ˈɪntədɪkt]  [ˈɪntərdɪkt] 


interdict 基本解释

名词禁令; 正式禁止; (罗马天主教)停止(某人)教权的禁令; 停止某地参加圣事活动

及物动词限制; 禁止(行动); 禁用

interdict 相关例句


1. He was interdicted from acting.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. It is interdicted by law.

interdict 网络解释

1. interdict的翻译

1. 禁止:前面mate灵长类(primate)里面书店在安装(install),里面仍然在滴注(instill)中间有门是监禁(intern),我在中间是暂时(interim),中间说话要禁止(interdict),中间有玩是休息(interlude)坐那约会要安定(sedate),

2. interdict

2. 禁令:就如月亮从太阳得其光辉,国家也是从教会得其权力,而君王的权力则是由教宗而来. 因此教宗有权力将他们开除教籍,罢绌,或发布禁令(Interdict)禁止该国神职人员职行圣职. (一)阻止法王腓利奥古斯督(Philip Augustus)离婚再娶:

3. 阻断:capital flight资本外逃 | interdict阻断 | gravitas 庄严的举止,庄严

4. 禁令;禁止;制止;阻断:interdependent property 相互依赖性 | interdict 禁令;禁止;制止;阻断 | interdiction 禁止;制止

interdict 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ˌɪntə''dɪkt/. The noun is pronounced /''ɪntədɪkt/. 动词读作/ˌɪntə''dɪkt/。名词读作 /''ɪntədɪkt/。

1. 封锁;阻断
    If an armed force interdicts something or someone, they stop them and prevent them from moving. If they interdict a route, they block it or cut it off.

    e.g. Troops could be ferried in to interdict drug shipments.
    e.g. ...efforts to isolate the theater of operations by interdicting the bridges.

...increased drug interdiction efforts by the military and Coast Guard.

2. (官方的)禁令,强制令
    An interdict is an official order that something must not be done or used.

    e.g. The National Trust has placed an interdict on jet-skis in Dorset, Devon and Cornwall.

interdict 英英释义


1. a court order prohibiting a party from doing a certain activity

    Synonym: interdiction

2. an ecclesiastical censure by the Roman Catholic Church withdrawing certain sacraments and Christian burial from a person or all persons in a particular district


1. command against

    e.g. I forbid you to call me late at night
           Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store
           Dad nixed our plans

    Synonym: forbidprohibitproscribevetodisallownix

2. destroy by firepower, such as an enemy''s line of communication

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