
intend [ɪnˈtend]  [ɪnˈtɛnd] 


intend 基本解释

及物动词意欲,计划; 为特殊目的而设计; 为特定用途而打算; 意指或意味



intend 相关例句


1. Today, I intend to finish reading this book.

2. I intend studying abroad.

3. intend的近义词

3. The book is intended for beginners.

4. intend

4. He intends no harm.

5. What do you intend to do today?

intend 情景对话



A:How many do you intend to order?

B:I want to order 900 dozen.

A:The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.


A:This is the last of the milk.

B:I know. I intend to go to the store today.

A:Would you get some of that new cereal we saw advertised on TV?

B:Which one?

A:You know … the one with the silly ad about how vitamins jump up and down.

B:Oh, you mean “KIKIES”?

A:Yeah. That’s the one.

B:Well, I’ll see. Sometimes the stores don’t have some of the new kinds of cereal.


A:Why do you want to go to U.K.?

B:I want to study for a doctorate.

A:How long do you intend to stay in U.K.?

B:About two years.

A:Does your scholarship cover the whole two years?

B:Yes, it does.


A:Where will you live?

B:I hope to live on the university campus. I have a letter here from my professor about accommodation.


A:May I have a look? Thanks. Is your family going with you?

B:Oh, no, I am going alone.

intend 网络解释

1. 想要,打算:▲intelligence 智力,才智 | intend 想要,打算 | intention 意图,打算

2. 意欲,计划:intense 强烈,激烈的 | intend 意欲,计划 | intoxicate 使陶醉,使兴奋

intend 词典解释

1. 想要;打算;计划
    If you intend to do something, you have decided or planned to do it.

    e.g. She intends to do A levels and go to university...
    e.g. I didn''t intend coming to Germany to work...

2. 准备,预留(作某种用途或给某人用)
    If something is intended for a particular purpose, it has been planned to fulfil that purpose. If something is intended for a particular person, it has been planned to be used by that person or to affect them in some way.

    e.g. This money is intended for the development of the tourist industry...
    e.g. Columns are usually intended in architecture to add grandeur and status...

3. 意指;意思是
    If you intend a particular idea or feeling in something that you say or do, you want to express it or want it to be understood.

    e.g. He didn''t intend any sarcasm...
    e.g. Burke''s response seemed a little patronizing, though he undoubtedly hadn''t intended it that way...

intend 英英释义


1. have in mind as a purpose

    e.g. I mean no harm
           I only meant to help you
           She didn''t think to harm me
           We thought to return early that night

    Synonym: meanthink

2. design or destine

    e.g. She was intended to become the director

    Synonym: destinedesignatespecify

3. denote or connote

    e.g. `maison'' means `house'' in French
           An example sentence would show what this word means

    Synonym: meansignifystand for

4. mean or intend to express or convey

    e.g. You never understand what I mean!
           what do his words intend?

    Synonym: mean

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