1. insulin的意思
1. 因素林:二是认为由于胰腺功能失常,不能制造足够的因素林(Insulin)荷尔蒙,帮助糖分进入细胞,称为身体热量的供应. 由于糖分不能进入细胞,便积累在血液中,最后从肾脏排出,因此排尿增加而身体消弱.
2. 人胰岛素:(布宜诺斯艾利斯路透电)阿根廷科学家成功培育出四头转基因克隆牛,这些经过基因改造的牛能产出含有人胰岛素(insulin)的牛奶;利用这项转基因技术生产胰岛素,能把成本减少至少30%.
3. 糖尿病 胰岛素:雌二醇 Estradio12 | 糖尿病 胰岛素 Insulin | C-肽 C-Peptide
1. 胰岛素
Insulin is a substance that most people produce naturally in their body and which controls the level of sugar in their blood.
e.g. In diabetes the body produces insufficient insulin.
1. hormone secreted by the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas
regulates storage of glycogen in the liver and accelerates oxidation of sugar in cells