1. 内幕人士:现时预计中煤可能在 3 月 20 日公布业绩,假若此日期无误,则相信内幕人士( Insider )在短期内不会再度增持中煤. 现时预计中煤可能在 3 月 20 日公布业绩,假若此日期无误,则相信内幕人士( Insider )在短期内不会再度增持中煤.
1. 知情人;了解内幕者;消息灵通人士
An insider is someone who is involved in a situation and who knows more about it than other people.
e.g. An insider said, ''Katharine has told friends it is time to end her career.''
e.g. German banks have more insider knowledge than most.
1. an officer of a corporation or others who have access to private information about the corporation''s operations