
increase [ɪnˈkri:s]  [ɪnˈkris] 


increase 基本解释



及物动词增强,增进; [缝纫]放(针)

不及物动词增强; 增进; 增殖,繁殖; [缝纫]放针

名词提高; 增长; 增加量

increase 同义词

increase 反义词

increase 相关词组

1. on the increase : 正在增长;

increase 相关例句


1. Travel increases one''s knowledge of the world.

2. increase的翻译

2. My wages have increased this year.


1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. These flowers will increase every year.

2. increase

2. Foreign investments there increased five times.


1. increase在线翻译

1. Increase in population made birth control necessary.

increase 情景对话


A:This price is quite a bit higher than it was last time .

B:We‘re sorry ,but we ‘ve had a slight price increase here .

A:Slight ?I wouldn‘t call this slight .

B:We‘ve had to increase our prices on this item by just 8%.



A:Would you like to come to our factory for a visit?

B:Oh, yes. Thank you. I’d be glad to.

A:You can look around our new workshops and the automatic machines.


B:I’m sure the output of your production will increase a lot.

A:Yes. Our factory director wants to meet you and talk over somethings about the business.

Production Problems-(产品问题)

A:We're going to have a problem meeting the budget for the production of our new sound board.

B:How much of a problem?

A:Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs. According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.

B:Let me see . . .Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about three thousand dollars over budget?


A:That's right. It's going to cost about three thousand more to complete the first order.

B:I see...

A:But if sales go as well as they should, that's still well within our profit margin. Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order.

B:In other words, you only need a budget increase for the first order.


A:Exactly. After that, the product should finance itself.

B:OK. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEO and the financial officer.

A:Yes, I know. But I thought that if I could get your support first, it might make getting approval easier.

B:Well, you've got my support on this. I'll see what I can do to get the top brass to agree.

increase 网络解释


1. 增加:问SUPPORT,我选铀用于记录年代是可靠的(大概意思)(sure)Ed1>.某地高速路的最大速度(maximum speed) 增加(increase)后,交通事故增加. 交通路程的加大会占一半交通事故的增加. 因此maximum speed的increase 所带来的交通事故致死率(fatality,

2. 增:书写简练的另一个例子是递增(increase)运算符 (++)和递减(decrease) 运算符(--). 它们使得变量中存储的值加1或减1. 它们分别等同于+=1和-=1. 因此:逻辑运算符&&和||是用来计算两个表达式而获得一个结果值.

3. 繁殖:七月二十八日 生日花:狗舌草(Common Groundsel) 花 语:繁殖(Increase) 狗舌草的英文名称是「地表上的覆盖之物」,它的繁殖力很强,覆有绒毛的种子一经风吹,就可以在任何地方落地生根.

increase 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ɪn''kriːs/. The noun is pronounced /''ɪnkriːs/. 动词读作 /ɪn''kriːs/,名词读作 /''ɪnkriːs/。

1. 增加;增大;增长
    If something increases or you increase it, it becomes greater in number, level, or amount.

    e.g. The population continues to increase...
    e.g. Japan''s industrial output increased by 2%...

2. 增加;增大;增长
    If there is an increase in the number, level, or amount of something, it becomes greater.

    e.g. ...a sharp increase in productivity...
    e.g. He called for an increase of 1p on income tax.
           他呼吁所得税提高 1 便士。

3. 正在增加;不断增长
    If something is on the increase, it is happening more often or becoming greater in number or intensity.

    e.g. Crime is on the increase.

increase 英英释义



1. the act of increasing something

    e.g. he gave me an increase in salary

    Synonym: step-up

2. the amount by which something increases

    e.g. they proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare

    Synonym: increment

3. a change resulting in an increase

    e.g. the increase is scheduled for next month

4. a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important

    e.g. the increase in unemployment
           the growth of population

    Synonym: incrementgrowth

5. a quantity that is added

    e.g. there was an addition to property taxes this year
           they recorded the cattle''s gain in weight over a period of weeks

    Synonym: additiongain


1. make bigger or more

    e.g. The boss finally increased her salary
           The university increased the number of students it admitted

2. become bigger or greater in amount

    e.g. The amount of work increased

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