形容词假想; 假设的,假定的; 有前提的; 爱猜想的
1. 假设的:逆向演绎方法的内容是从结果回头找原因,并以经验法则还有心理学及性格学的定律查核这项假设的(hypothetical)定律. 实作上涉及孔德提出的社会静力学和社会动力学:静力学,也就是Mill所谓的社会状态或和谐(consensus)状态,
2. 假说的:甚至对康德而言,实践的、假说的(Hypothetical)推理也在实践的事务中运用. 在尽最大的可能寻求自利的快乐时,行为者就是在满足其理性的形象. 先秦儒、道哲学家重视一种非系统性的美学模式的人,通过创造性的行动,尤其是礼仪,去造就人.
1. (基于)假设的;假定的
If something is hypothetical, it is based on possible ideas or situations rather than actual ones.
e.g. Let''s look at a hypothetical situation in which Carol, a recovering cocaine addict, gets invited to a party.
e.g. ...a purely hypothetical question.
1. a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.
e.g. consider the following, just as a hypothetical
1. based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
e.g. theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural
the supposed reason for his absence
suppositious reconstructions of dead languages
hypothetical situation
Synonym: conjecturaldivinatoryhypotheticsupposedsuppositionalsuppositioussupposititious