1. 狂犬病:被猫抓伤可能引起的是 cat scratch fever (猫爪热),也许会引起破伤风(tetanus) 让狗咬的.所注射过的接种是预防狂犬病(hydrophobia),但是被猫抓伤是不会引起狂犬病的,所以以前的折射与这次的抓伤毫无关系.
2. 恐水病;狂犬病:hydrophobe狂犬病患者 疏水物 | hydrophobia恐水病 狂犬病 | hydrophobic狂犬病的 憎水的
1. an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal)
rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain
2. a morbid fear of water
3. a symptom of rabies in humans consisting of an aversion to swallowing liquids