1. 世袭的:首领的位置是世袭的(hereditary),等级差别是森严的. 这样的类似于封建制度的统治模式帮助满族人孤立和控制了各部蒙古人. 所谓的部盟旗,事实上变成了很小的部落组织(fiefdom,意为战术单位). 尽管在昭莫多遭受了惨败,
2. 遗传性:这些基因的变化,有的是从种系细胞(germ-linecells)由遗传得来,有的则是从体细胞(somatic cells)由环境因素引起而后天获得的,故癌症有遗传性(hereditary)和散发性(sporadic)之别.
3. hereditary
3. 遗传的:enormous#巨大的 | hereditary#遗传的 | parallel#平行的
1. 遗传(性)的
A hereditary characteristic or illness is passed on to a child from its parents before it is born.
e.g. Cystic fibrosis is the commonest fatal hereditary disease...
e.g. In men, hair loss is hereditary.
2. (称号或地位)承袭的,世袭的
A title or position in society that is hereditary is one that is passed on as a right from parent to child.
e.g. ...the position of the head of state is hereditary...
e.g. British Prime Ministers are traditionally offered hereditary peerages.
1. inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent
e.g. ancestral home
ancestral lore
hereditary monarchy
patrimonial estate
transmissible tradition
Synonym: ancestralpatrimonialtransmissible
2. occurring among members of a family usually by heredity
e.g. an inherited disease
familial traits
genetically transmitted features