1. 交握:本文重点在於如何将SSL运用於Java技术上,故在此不对SSL多做说明. ● 提供能够发展出安全通道(secure channels)的类别,如:SSLSocket 及 SSLServerSocket. ●伺服端与客户端的鉴别(authentication),如:SSL交握(Handshake)协定.
2. 信号交换 ;握手联络方式:handset, telephone 听筒;手机 | handshake 信号交换 ;握手联络方式 | handshake channel 信号交换通道
1. 握手
If you give someone a handshake, you take their right hand with your own right hand and hold it firmly or move it up and down, as a sign of greeting or to show that you have agreed about something such as a business deal.
e.g. John smiled and gave him a hearty handshake...
e.g. He has a strong handshake.
1. grasping and shaking a person''s hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)
Synonym: shakehandshakinghandclasp