
gym [dʒɪm]  [dʒɪm] 


gym 基本解释

名词体育馆; 体操; 非正>健身房; 室内健身操


gym 相关例句


1. We did an hour of gym.

2. He was always at the gym.

3. She wore white gym shoes.

gym 情景对话



A:Where are you going?

B:I’m just off to the gym.

A:You’re always going to the gym these days.

B:Yes, I’m trying to lose some weight. Once I turned 30, everything started going downhill.
      对,我在想办法减肥,一到30 岁一切情况都开始下降了。

A:Well, I think you look great! Where’s the gym?


B:It’s not far from here at all. Do you know Mr. Gold’s Gym?
      离这儿不是很远。你知道 Gold 先生健身房吗?

A:Yes. The one by the Farmer’s Market?


B:No, the other one—the one by Big Lake.

A:I didn’t know that had two locations now.

B:It just opened. I signed up for a gym membership on the opening day and got it for half the price.

A:Do they have trainers there to help you?

B:Yes, on the first day, they assigned me a trainer who gave me a fitness test. I had to do some running on the treadmill, some sit ups, push ups, and some weight lifting. He asked me about my goals, and then came up with a plan just for me.


A:That sounds great. Is it working?

B:I think so. I feel much better anyway!

gym 网络解释


1. 体育馆:●体育馆(Gym) ●酷乐湖(Goo Lagoon):比奇堡的一座海滩. ●尖刀岩:酷乐湖附近的一座充满尖岩的小岛. ●快餐店(DiNer) ●礁岩电影院 ●电器行(Radio Chest) ●大歌星唱片公司 ●K-BLUB:比奇堡的一间广播电台.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 健身房:大中小 我对星座学毫无研究,但通常人都告诉我摩羯座有着坚持不懈的固执,虽然自己并不具备摩羯座的其他优点,但这一点倒还真值得肯定. 因为五一长假,导致前天是近一个月首次踏入健身房(GYM)的日子,尽管没太下狠练,但昨天和今天我的二头和背酸疼得厉害.

3. gym的反义词

3. 健身中心:烤鸡店(CHUCKIN BELL),快餐店(BURGER SHOT):里面可以花钱购买食物,注意有很多是很容易增加FAT(脂肪)这个数值的 == 体育场(RACE):赛车场地,不过需要你的驾驶技巧达到一定的程度~~ 健身中心(GYM):不花钱就可以锻炼(不错,

4. 体育:简历:体育(gym)行政部门副部长(1999-),内蒙自治区政府助理(1995-1999),国家体委办公室主任(1993-1995),中国体育(gym)发展有限公司总经理(1991-1993),国家体委行政人员(1975-1991). 现任国家体育(gym)总局副局长. 从事过的(de)体育(gym)项目:滑雪、网球(tennis ball)、高尔夫球.

5. gym:gymnasium; 体育馆

gym 词典解释

1. 健身所;健身房;体育馆
    A gym is a club, building, or large room, usually containing special equipment, where people go to do physical exercise and get fit.

    e.g. While the lads are golfing, I work out in the gym.
    e.g. ...the school gym.

2. 健身;(尤指学校的)体育活动
    Gym is the activity of doing physical exercises in a gym, especially at school.

    e.g. ...gym classes.

gym 英英释义


1. athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training

    Synonym: gymnasium

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