
grit [grɪt]  [ɡrɪt] 


grit 基本解释

名词勇气; 细沙,沙砾; 口>刚毅,坚韧

及物动词发出轧轧声; 轧,研磨; 以沙砾覆盖(某物),撒沙砾于; 咬紧牙关

grit 相关例句


1. He gritted his teeth and plunged into the cold weather.


1. I''ve got some grit in my shoe.

2. grit的近义词

2. The soldiers showed that they had plenty of grit.

grit 网络解释

1. grit

1. 粗砂:5.3 碳钢清洁表面处理应当用适当等级的利砂石(sharp garnet)或粗砂(grit),洛氏硬度要求在40HR到50HR,且清洁,干燥,砂石颗粒尺寸应当易于生产,有锋利棱角.

2. grit在线翻译

2. 粒:如果你使用商品沙粒(GRIT),产品中已含有较丰富的钙补充剂,如果你自行配制沙土,加入钙质是十分重要的. 钙的吸收受许多因素的影响,如维生素D,钙磷镁的比例等等. 大多数的钙片的主要成分是碳酸钙(即石灰石),其吸收利用率一般不会超过百分之十.

3. grit

3. 勇气:而勇气(Grit)是一种自我舍离的豁达与决意. 它使人能将痛苦、烦忧、沮丧,以及对命运的抱怨升华到大我的境界. 对亨德森来说,经济学永远是一门快乐的科学. 它告诉我们自由(freedom)是繁荣(prosperity)的必要条件.

grit 词典解释

1. 沙粒;沙砾
    Grit is very small pieces of stone. It is often put on roads in winter to make them less slippery.


    e.g. He felt tiny bits of grit and sand peppering his knees.

2. 勇气;坚毅;果敢
    If someone has grit, they have the determination and courage to continue doing something even though it is very difficult.


    e.g. You''ve got to admire her grit.

3. 粗玉米粉,玉米渣(美国南部常食用)
    Grits are coarsely ground grains of corn which are cooked and eaten for breakfast or as part of a meal in the southern United States.


4. (通常指因愤怒而)咬紧牙关,咬牙切齿
    If you grit your teeth, you press your upper and lower teeth tightly together, usually because you are angry about something.


    e.g. Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stifle one or two remarks...
    e.g. ''It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me,'' said his lawyer, through gritted teeth.

5. 下定决心;鼓起勇气
    If you grit your teeth, you make up your mind to carry on even if the situation is very difficult.

    e.g. There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.

grit 英英释义


1. fortitude and determination

    e.g. he didn''t have the guts to try it

    Synonym: backbonegutsmoxiesandgumption

2. a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone

    Synonym: gritrockgritstone


1. clench together

    e.g. grit one''s teeth

2. cover with a grit

    e.g. grit roads

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