
graveyard [ˈgreɪvjɑ:d]  [ˈgreɪvjɑ:rd] 


graveyard 基本解释



graveyard 网络解释

1. 墓地:另外,监狱(Prison)可以使敌人变成归顺于你的骷髅,墓地(Graveyard)中的尸在游戏中也许你会觉得有时要找到一个生物在什么地方很麻烦. 其实有几种很简单的方法. 首先是你可以从地图上看到大概的生物分布,用鼠标直接在小地图上点到相应的位置就行了.

2. 坟场:兵种建筑 坟场(Graveyard) 城镇等级需求: 前提需求 300 5 20×17 允许招募骷髅. 骨场(Boneyard) 城镇等级需求: 前提需求 坟场 900 10 30×17 允许招募骷髅射手. 地穴(Crypt) 城镇等级需求:3 前提需求 乡村大厅 800 10 45×15 允许招募僵尸.

3. 墓園:有一个叫维兰(Valen)的女人出现了,她的神秘主人想与主角见面,商谈与爱蒙和艾瑞尼卡斯有关的事. 地点在夜晚的墓园(Graveyard). 紧接著,盖伦.贝尔的侄子布鲁斯也传来了盖伦的口信,请主角尽快去一趟盖伦家,钱的事情可以再商量.

4. graveyard的翻译

4. (墓穴):Globin Tinker (地精修补匠) | Graveyard (墓穴) | Great Hall (大厅)

graveyard 词典解释

1. (有时指教堂边的)墓地,坟场
    A graveyard is an area of land, sometimes near a church, where dead people are buried.


    e.g. They made their way to a graveyard to pay their traditional respects to the dead.

2. 废物堆积处;垃圾场
    If you call a place a graveyard of particular things, you mean that there are many broken or unwanted things of that kind there.

    e.g. This had once been the greatest port in the world, now it was a graveyard of rusting cranes.

3. 令人屡遭失败的事;失意之地
    If you call an event or place the graveyard for particular people or their hopes, you mean that those people have often failed in such events or in that place.

    e.g. Europe has been the graveyard for American golfers recently.

graveyard 英英释义


1. a tract of land used for burials

    Synonym: cemeteryburial siteburial groundburying groundmemorial parknecropolis

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