1. 香港金鱼:[品牌]: 香港金鱼(Goldfish)时尚系列包包,款款情深. 由意大利名匠设计,精湛的工艺,卓绝的品质,肆意体现张扬的个性,时刻把握时尚的脉搏,让您尽显尊贵. [点评]: 香港金鱼(Goldfish)系列时尚包包,做工精致,用料考究,线条流畅,采用印有GOLDFISH的高档尼龙为内衬
2. 你养过什么:10.你喜欢你目前的生活吗:Strive for my happiness | 11.你养过什么:lobster,bird,turtle,kitty,goldfish,puppy, bunny and also many kinds of plants | 13.星座:Scorpio ( not the way I am at all )
1. 金鱼
Goldfish are small gold or orange fish which are often kept as pets.
1. small golden or orange-red freshwater fishes of Eurasia used as pond or aquarium fishes
Synonym: Carassius auratus