1. glossary的翻译
1. There is a glossary at the end of the textbook.
1. glossary什么意思
1. 词汇:经由TFCA 政策管理单位(Policy Management Authority)审查通过之本CP,或更新版本之CP,附录一(Appendix 1) 词汇(Glossary)系指认证中心(TFCA)依凭证实务作业基准,审验公开金钥凭证申请人之身分资格、相附录二(Appendix 2) 名词与简称(Acronyms and Abbreviations)
2. glossary的反义词
2. 术语表:在测试之前,必须阅读和熟悉软件开发商提供的软件术语表(Glossary),了解软件翻译风格(Translation Style)的语言表达要求. 由于软件的用户界面总是首先进行本地化,因此,本地化测试的初期的软件版本的语言质量测试主要以用户界面的语言质量为主,
3. glossary的解释
3. 专业术语:TME 检漏、流量和包装测试产品-专业术语( Glossary ) 气压衰减测试( Pressure Decay Test ): 一种膨胀泄漏测试方法,测试过程,不透气包装或是产品被加压 到一定的设定水平.
1. 术语汇编;词汇表
A glossary of special, unusual, or technical words or expressions is an alphabetical list of them giving their meanings, for example at the end of a book on a particular subject.
1. an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge
usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
Synonym: gloss