
gloomy [ˈglu:mi]  [ˈɡlumi] 


gloomy 基本解释

形容词黑暗的; 令人沮丧的; 前景黯淡的; 悲观的,阴郁的

gloomy 同义词


gloomy 反义词


gloomy 相关例句


1. He came to see me in a gloomy winter day.

2. I can tell by your gloomy face that the news is bad.

gloomy 网络解释

1. 忧郁的:5.lousy 差劲的人 | 6.gloomy 忧郁的 | 7.insane 精神错乱的人


2. 令人沮丧的:adolescence 青春期 | gloomy 令人沮丧的 | impulse 冲动

3. gloomy的翻译

3. 幽暗的;令人沮丧的;忧郁的;没有希望的:10.fascination 入迷;着迷;强烈吸引力;魅力 | 11.gloomy 幽暗的;令人沮丧的;忧郁的;没有希望的 | 12.impartial 不偏袒;无偏见的;公正的

gloomy 词典解释

1. 昏暗的;幽暗的
    If a place is gloomy, it is almost dark so that you cannot see very well.


    e.g. Inside it''s gloomy after all that sunshine...
    e.g. ...this huge gloomy church.

2. 忧伤的;沮丧的;无望的
    If people are gloomy, they are unhappy and have no hope.


    e.g. Miller is gloomy about the fate of the serious playwright in America.

He tells me gloomily that he has been called up for army service.

3. 前景黯淡的;悲观的
    If a situation is gloomy, it does not give you much hope of success or happiness.

    e.g. ...a gloomy picture of an economy sliding into recession...
    e.g. Officials say the outlook for next year is gloomy.

gloomy 英英释义



1. depressingly dark

    e.g. the gloomy forest
           the glooming interior of an old inn
           `gloomful'' is archaic

    Synonym: gloominggloomfulsulky

2. causing dejection

    e.g. a blue day
           the dark days of the war
           a week of rainy depressing weather
           a disconsolate winter landscape
           the first dismal dispiriting days of November
           a dark gloomy day
           grim rainy weather

    Synonym: bluedarkdingydisconsolatedismalgrimsorrydrabdreardreary

3. filled with melancholy and despondency

    e.g. gloomy at the thought of what he had to face
           gloomy predictions
           a gloomy silence
           took a grim view of the economy
           the darkening mood
           lonely and blue in a strange city
           depressed by the loss of his job
           a dispirited and resigned expression on her face
           downcast after his defeat
           feeling discouraged and downhearted

    Synonym: grimbluedepresseddispiriteddown(p)downcastdownhearteddown in the mouthlowlow-spirited

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