名词解>腺; [机]密封压盖,填料盖
1. 腺:在第五章里我们已经解释过,淋巴系统是一种由充满液体的淋巴结(node)、淋巴腺(gland)、淋巴管(tube)所组成非常复杂的网状系统,在浸湿身体细胞、带走组织「污秽」后,让身体重新恢复正常状态.
2. gland
2. 腺体:乳腺本身:乳腺的位置有 2/3 是覆盖在胸部的大胸肌之上,外下方的 1/3 是覆盖在胸部的前锯肌之上,乳房内主要是由乳腺.乳管.脂肪组织和纤维组织构成,内部结构像是一颗倒立的小树,乳腺体(gland)是由15-20个乳腺叶(lobe)组成,
3. 压盖:笼式环 lantern ring | 压盖 gland | 阀杆填料 stem packing
4. 填料压盖:填料箱 Stuffing box | 填料压盖 Gland | 通气阀 breather valve
1. 腺
A gland is an organ in the body which produces chemical substances for the body to use or get rid of.
e.g. ...the hormones secreted by our endocrine glands.
e.g. ...sweat glands.
1. any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream
Synonym: secretory organsecretorsecreter