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get down是什么意思 get down在线翻译 get down什么意思 get down的意思 get down的翻译 get down的解释 get down的发音 get down的同义词

get down [ɡet daun]  [ɡɛt daʊn] 

get down 基本解释

下来; 吞下; 弯下; 写下

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get down 相关例句


1. She couldn''t get the medicine down.

2. Please get down what he says.

3. The continual wet weather is getting me down.

get down 网络解释

1. danci.edu.pub

1. 从...下来;写下:get down to开始,着手 | get down从......下来;写下 | get into进入,陷入

2. get down在线翻译

2. 写下:get by 通过,经过 | get down 写下 | get down to 开始,着手

3. 使沮丧:66. down with打倒,放下 | get down使沮丧 | get down to开始认真做

4. (从...)下来:get back回来 | get down从......下来 | get down on sth.对......产生反感,开始不喜欢

get down 词典解释

1. 使沮丧;使忧郁
    If something gets you down, it makes you unhappy.

    e.g. At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer.

2. 俯身;跪下;趴下
    If you get down, you lower your body until you are sitting, kneeling, or lying on the ground.

    e.g. She got down on her hands and knees on the floor...
    e.g. ''Get down!'' she yelled. ''Somebody''s shooting!''

3. 写下;记下
    If you get something down, especially something that someone has just said, you write it down.

    e.g. The idea has been going around in my head for quite a while and now I am getting it down on paper.

4. (费力地)吞下;勉强咽下
    If you get food or medicine down, you swallow it, especially with difficulty.

    e.g. I bit into a hefty slab of bread and cheese. When I had got it down I started talking.

get down 英英释义

get down的翻译


1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

    e.g. We began working at dawn
           Who will start?
           Get working as soon as the sun rises!
           The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia
           He began early in the day
           Let''s get down to work now

    Synonym: begingetstart outstartset aboutset outcommence

2. put down in writing
    of texts, musical compositions, etc.

    Synonym: write downset downput down

3. pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking

    e.g. Swallow the raw fish--it won''t kill you!

    Synonym: swallow

4. lower someone''s spirits
    make downhearted

    e.g. These news depressed her
           The bad state of her child''s health demoralizes her

    Synonym: depressdejectcast downdismaydispiritdemoralizedemoralise

5. alight from (a horse)

    Synonym: unhorsedismountlightget off

6. move something or somebody to a lower position

    e.g. take down the vase from the shelf

    Synonym: lowertake downlet downbring down

7. lower (one''s body) as by kneeling

    e.g. Get down on your knees!

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