1. 一般的:至于展开型博弈,由于一般的(generic)展开型博弈的策略型表示并非一定是一般的,问题会变得复杂. 但我们相信这种复杂性反而会加强我们关于帕雷托最优结果不容易在博弈中达到的判断.
2. 泛指:联合是两个类之间的最泛指(generic)的关系,由一个联系两个类的直线表示.这条线可以由联系的类型所qualified,也能表示一些multiplicity规则(比如 1对1, 1对多,多对多)
1. 一般的;普通的;通用的
You use generic to describe something that refers or relates to a whole class of similar things.
e.g. Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.
2. 无注册商标的;非专利的
A generic drug or other product is one that does not have a trademark and that is known by a general name, rather than the manufacturer''s name.
e.g. They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.
3. 寻常的;一般的;普通的
People sometimes use generic to refer to something that is exactly typical of the kind of thing mentioned, and that has no special or unusual characteristics.
e.g. ...generic California apartments, the kind that have white walls and white drapes and were built five years ago.
1. any product that can be sold without a brand name
2. a wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with no one grape predominating
a wine that does not carry the name of any specific grape
Synonym: generic wine
1. applicable to an entire class or group
e.g. is there a generic Asian mind?
2. (of drugs) not protected by trademark
e.g. `Acetaminophen'' is the generic form of the proprietary drug `Tylenol''
3. relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus
e.g. the generic name