
frost [frɒst]  [frɔ:st] 


frost 基本解释


及物/不及物动词使结冰霜; 冻坏; (在蛋糕上)撒糖霜

不及物动词结霜; 受冻

名词霜冻,结霜; 严寒,寒冷; 冷淡

frost 相关例句


1. The windows were frosted over.


1. He had a frost in his manner.

2. Frost can kill off a young plant.

3. The frost killed the young tomato plants.

frost 网络解释

1. 霜冻:并随即变为绕轴心向上的涡流,龙卷中的风总是气旋性...霜冻(Frost) 温度低于0℃的地面和物体表面上有水汽凝结成白色结晶的是白霜,水汽含量少没结霜称黑霜对农作物都有冻害,称霜冻.

2. frost的反义词

2. 严寒:但无论如何,冬天对于树木来说总是难熬的季节,特别是当温度降至冰点以下时,严寒(frost)会杀死毫无保护的植物性组织(plant tissue). 因此,没有头脑的树木除了采取上述的措施,早已防患于未然,为自己增加保护:

3. 冰霜:在符文条上有六个插孔,玩家可以自由决定要在这些插孔上放置何种符文. 共有鲜血(Blood)、邪恶(Unholy)和冰霜(Frost)三种符文.

frost 词典解释

1. 霜;霜冻;严寒天气
    When there is frost or a frost, the temperature outside falls below freezing point and the ground becomes covered in ice crystals.


    e.g. There is frost on the ground and snow is forecast...
    e.g. The wind had veered to north, bringing clear skies and a keen frost.

2. 冰点以下…度;零下…度
    When someone says that there are a particular number of degrees of frost they mean that the temperature is that number of degrees below freezing point.

    e.g. We had 11 degrees of frost last night.
           昨天夜里气温降到了零下 11 度。

frost 英英释义


1. weather cold enough to cause freezing

    Synonym: freeze

2. the formation of frost or ice on a surface

    Synonym: icing

3. ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside)

    Synonym: hoarhoarfrostrime


1. damage by frost

    e.g. The icy precipitation frosted the flowers and they turned brown

2. cover with frost

    e.g. ice crystals frosted the glass

3. provide with a rough or speckled surface or appearance

    e.g. frost the glass
           she frosts her hair

4. decorate with frosting

    e.g. frost a cake

    Synonym: ice

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