
free people

free people 双语例句

1. Some people who have a similar problem pay a termination fee to be free of their contract.

2. In order to be able to let you know more fashionable intimate European-style cake natural world, sokingwo Shang Ti 5 ° to launch a free dessert tasting party activity, regardless of your dinner are units, departments, meetings, or friends have been born as long as your number of participants at more than 16 people less than 20 people, sokingwo Shang Ti 5 ° will give you a free taste is still a birthday cake 5 ° Ti opportunities you just need early evening 9:00 --- 5:00 call our hotline free sample 028 - 83422700 application.
    为了让你们能够更加亲密的了解风靡全球的天然欧式蛋糕,sokingwo尚缇5°推出聚会免费甜点品尝活动,不论你们是单位聚餐,部门聚会,还是友人过生,只要你们与会人数在16人以上20人以内,sokingwo尚缇5°将会提供给你们一次免费品尝尚缇5°生日蛋糕的机会,仅仅需要你早9点---晚5点拨打我们的免费品尝热线028- 83422700报名。

3. Currently, most people seeking help from services like Relate pay between 45 and 60 per session, meaning the free counselling packages will be worth around 1, 000 per couple.
    目前,大部分的人正在寻求像每次诊疗价格大约在45英镑到60英镑这样的服务,这就意味着免费咨询的一揽子交易将会值大约每对夫妻1000 英镑的价值。

4. As the use of wood-based panel products in the process will produce the release of free formaldehyde, when the excessive release will affect people''s health.

5. Recently, the problems of the security about fire burning and free formaldehyde emission in the products of our national wood-based panel have been rising and people have paid more and more attention to them.
    摘 要:目前,我国人造板产品的安全防火性能和游离甲醛释放量严重的问题已经越来越引起人们的重视。

6. But because it has a free arbitrary, passionate, rhythm and striking features, so more suitable for young people.

7. free people的解释

7. And the Lord struck the king, so that he was a leper unto the day of his death, and he dwelt in a free house apart: but Joatham the king''s soil governed the palace, and judged the people of the land.

8. free people是什么意思

8. Nephrology and Dialysis For Your PDA - Free medical downloads can be a real lifesaver for many people.

9. However, the reform and development of the Chinese competitive athletic system frame is not autonomous and free. It is, in essence, constrained and guided by the ideologies of Chinese people, the value system and cultural tradition of the nation.

10. Has one afternoon''s free time rarely, two unknown young people have chosen mulberry''s seacoast unexpectedly as if by prior agreement.

11. Love ROKorea people there will still be at the Korea Bar of free space.


12. In india we have democracy, people are free to abuse govt.


13. With this bosom, they walk free. Their self-nature, Buddha-nature, Qi, calmness and refinement are smooth to roam around the high mountains and they are not drowned when diving into the bottom of abyss and sea. It doesn`t go against the grain for them to live in the city with the common people, so their lives are free.

14. free people在线翻译

14. Human-rights campaigners think the limpness of America and European Union countries, especially Britain, in the face of Mr Zenawi gives him a free rein to abuse his own people.

15. Free on the 2nd day, people goes for the Lord, Yuan Cao cracks are bound to cause the outbreak.

16. free people

16. Have a holiday, the mood of waiting for bus and going to work seems special too and relaxed, the car is special and free today, there are very few people standing, perhaps people are all conserving strength and store up energy for this vacation, get on the bus and arrange bunch backward, have a seat, mood has all been dispersed, happiness is so simple.

17. A * pilot program in the Bronx offers free testing ending * and encourages all people to get * screened.

18. free people

18. Today, I sat in the orchard road-tread of the Lao Bantian someone Kuang Street Some people take pictures, they walked to my going to feel free...
      今天我坐在orchard road的石蹬老半天了,有人诳街,有人拍照,有人有说有笑,他们的走来走去给我的感觉很自由自在。。。

19. Chess game can be one of favorite activity people enjoys in free time.

20. Diagnosis free of charge through the stock to attract investors to call the king of gold shares, or toll-free number on its Web site to provide information recommended shares of the Short Message Service, etc., throughout the country illegally soliciting customers A total of more than 1, 000 people, up more than 1, 000 illegal million.

free people 单语例句

1. While TV had been free since its inception, large numbers of people proved willing to pay for cable and digital television.

2. " These people will get free treatment and cash compensation, " Liu said.

3. Along with the partnership comes the " artist in residence program ", where people are granted a close contact with the local artists free of charge.

4. People are free to chew but they have to import it, or get it by prescription.

5. Just because it''s free doesn''t mean lots of people won''t pay for the compact disc.

6. The filmmaker said his latest movie has been made at almost zero cost as the people involved all contributed their facilities and skills for free.

7. The government also requires lawyers''offices to offer a certain amount of free legal services every year to disadvantaged people such as migrant workers.

8. He called on Afghan officials to organize a " free, fair and credible election " with enough security encourage people to turn out and vote.

9. That''s why so many foreigners cry out for " Free Tibet " while the majority of the Tibetan people were against the mobs that rioted in Lhasa.

10. Doctors with the Chinese peacekeeping medical team in Liberia venture deep into the forest to provide free treatment for local people on June 23.

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