
flux [flʌks]  [flʌks] 


flux 基本解释


名词[物]流量; 流出; 熔解; 不断的变动

动词熔化; 熔解; 流出


flux 相关例句


1. flux在线翻译

1. The market is in a constant state of flux.

2. Things have been in a state of flux since father''s death.

flux 网络解释

1. 焊剂:溶剂包括N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)或双甲对封装后框架外引脚的后处理可以是电镀(solder plating)或是浸锡(solder dipping)焊剂(flux)中进行浸泡,再放入熔融的焊锡中浸泡,最后用热水冲淋.

2. flux

2. 助焊剂:浸锡也包括清洗工序,然后放到助 焊剂(flux)中进行浸泡,再放入熔融的焊锡中浸泡,最后用热水冲淋. 焊锡的成分一 般是63Sn/37Pb. 这是一种低共融合金,其熔点在183-184℃之间. 也有用成分为85Sn/ 15Pb、90Sn/10Pb、95Sn/5Pb的,

3. 熔剂:该组合物含有热可固化的树脂体系,包括至少一种环氧树脂和含酚的化合物如苯酚或酚醛树脂,作为催化剂的咪唑-酸酐加合物,和助熔剂(flux)的掺混物. 各种添加剂,如脱气剂,流动添加剂,粘合促进剂和流变改性剂也可以根据需要来添加.

4. 通量:不过目前LED发展照明应用还有诸多问题必须考虑,同时牵涉到规范标准以及散热、光学、电力设计,包括色温(CT)、通量(Flux)、光形(Distribution)等,且LED光源的颜色也十分重要,如停车场采用冷白光LED光源,将可降低人们犯罪频率.

flux 词典解释

1. 变动;波动
    If something is in a state of flux, it is constantly changing.

    e.g. Education remains in a state of flux which will take some time to settle down.
    e.g. ...a period of economic flux.

2. 流体
    You can refer to a flowing mass as a flux .

    e.g. ...the flux of cosmic rays.

flux 英英释义



1. in constant change

    e.g. his opinions are in flux
           the newness and flux of the computer industry

2. (physics) the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area

    Synonym: flux density

3. a flow or discharge

    Synonym: fluxion

4. the lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle

    Synonym: magnetic fieldmagnetic flux

5. a state of uncertainty about what should be done (usually following some important event) preceding the establishment of a new direction of action

    e.g. the flux following the death of the emperor

    Synonym: state of flux

6. excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea)

7. a substance added to molten metals to bond with impurities that can then be readily removed

8. the rate of flow of energy or particles across a given surface



1. mix together different elements

    e.g. The colors blend well

    Synonym: blendmixconflatecommingleimmixfusecoalescemeldcombinemerge

2. become liquid or fluid when heated

    e.g. the frozen fat liquefied

    Synonym: liquefyliquify

3. move or progress freely as if in a stream

    e.g. The crowd flowed out of the stadium

    Synonym: flow

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