
fish [fɪʃ]  [fɪʃ] 

第三人称单数:fishes第三人称复数:fishes; fish现在分词:fishing过去分词:fished过去式:fished

fish 基本解释


名词鱼,鱼肉,鱼类; 〈口〉(特殊的)人物,家伙,东西; [建]接合板,夹片,鱼尾板; [航]钓锚器,撑夹桅杆的加固夹箍

及物/不及物动词钓鱼; 捕鱼; 摸出; 掏出

及物动词钓鱼,捕鱼; 搜寻; [航]加夹箍夹牢; [工]用接合板连接[加固]

不及物动词捕鱼,钓鱼; 用钩捞取

fish 相关词组

1. drink like a fish : 大喝;

2. fish out : 捞出, 摸索出, 捕尽鱼;

fish 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. He fished the stream for trout.

1. fish的近义词

1. The great fish eat up the small.


1. 公共查询·英语单词

1. Let''s go fishing.


1. fish的反义词

1. We had fish for dinner.

2. We''ll have fish for dinner.

fish 网络解释

1. danci.edu.pub

1. 鱼肉:游戏中的食品共有9种:野味肉(game meat),鱼肉(fish),粟(millet),麦(wheat),稻(rice),卷心菜(cabbage),香料(spice),豆腐(bean curd),盐(salt). 根据mill储存了几种食物,食品店进货时得到不同档次的食品;要调节集市提供的食物档次,

2. fish:flurescence in situ hybridization; 荧光原位杂交

3. fish的解释

3. fish:fluorescent in situ hybridization; 荧光原位杂交技术

fish 词典解释

The form fish is usually used for the plural, but fishes can also be used. 复数形式通常用 fish,也可用 fishes。

    A fish is a creature that lives in water and has a tail and fins. There are many different kinds of fish.


    e.g. I was chatting to an islander who had just caught a fish...
    e.g. The fish were counted and an average weight recorded.

2. (吃的)鱼,鱼肉
    Fish is the flesh of a fish eaten as food.

    e.g. Does dry white wine go best with fish?

3. 垂钓;钓鱼;捕鱼
    If you fish, you try to catch fish, either for food or as a form of sport or recreation.

    e.g. Brian remembers learning to fish in the River Cam.

4. 在…垂钓(或钓鱼、捕鱼)
    If you fish a particular area of water, you try to catch fish in it.

    e.g. On Saturday we fished the River Arno.

5. 旁敲侧击地打听;拐弯抹角地谋取
    If you say that someone is fishing for information or praise, you disapprove of the fact that they are trying to get it from someone in an indirect way.

    e.g. He didn''t want to create the impression that he was fishing for information...
    e.g. She may be fishing for a compliment and welcome your reassurance...

6. 如离水之鱼(指因离开熟悉的环境而感到不适)
    If you feel like a fish out of water, you do not feel comfortable or relaxed because you are in an unusual or unfamiliar situation.

    e.g. I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham.

7. 海里的鱼有的是;天涯何处无芳草
    If you tell someone that there are plenty more fish in the sea, you are comforting them by saying that although their relationship with someone has failed, there are many other people they can have relationships with.


8. (从…中)取出,拿出,拖出
    If you fish something out from somewhere, you take or pull it out, often after searching for it for some time.

    e.g. Kelly fished out another beer from his cooler...
    e.g. She fished out a pair of David''s socks for her cold feet.

相关词组:fish out

fish 英英释义



1. any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills

    e.g. the shark is a large fish
           in the living room there was a tank of colorful fish

2. the flesh of fish used as food

    e.g. in Japan most fish is eaten raw
           after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat
           they have a chef who specializes in fish



1. catch or try to catch fish or shellfish

    e.g. I like to go fishing on weekends

2. seek indirectly

    e.g. fish for compliments

    Synonym: angle

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