
fineness [ˈfaɪnnəs]  [ˈfaɪnnɪs] 

fineness 基本解释

名词精致; 细微; 纤细; 优雅

fineness 相关例句


1. In her heart of hearts she wondered at the marvelous fineness of character of this man.

2. The fineness of the skies tempted her to walk on the beach.

3. The fineness and softness of the dress caught her attention.

fineness 网络解释

1. fineness的翻译

1. 细度:油墨细度(Fineness)是与油墨的流变性能以及经济效益直接相关的一个重要指标. 细度一般指混合在连结料中的颜料、填料等固体粉状物质被分散的程度. 油墨太粗,印刷中会造成毁版、糊版,更不适于印刷网线较细的高档印刷品,同样颜料含量的油墨,细度较细者比

2. 成色:相同作者(Author)的商品相同出版社(Publisher)的商品相同出版日期(Publish Date)的商品相同成色(Fineness)的商品相同装帧(Look)的商品

3. 细:质地幼细(Fineness)与否是与其珍珠层原子微粒的形成有关. 微粒细小及均衡,质地便幼细. 如微粒粗,看上去表面的质地也较粗糙,因而影响其光泽. 光泽与软体动物的健康状况、培殖地方、培殖方法、时间、海水的污染及软体动物的种类都有相关连.

fineness 英英释义


1. the quality of being very good indeed

    e.g. the inn is distinguished by the fineness of its cuisine

    Synonym: choiceness

2. the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance

    e.g. the daintiness of her touch
           the fineness of her features

    Synonym: daintinessdelicacy

3. having a very fine texture

    e.g. the fineness of the sand on the beach

    Synonym: powderiness

4. the property of being very narrow or thin

    e.g. he marvelled at the fineness of her hair

    Synonym: thinness

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