
fictitious [fɪkˈtɪʃəs]  [fɪkˈtɪʃəs] 

fictitious 基本解释

形容词虚构的,编造的; 假定的,虚设的; 小说式的; 假装的

fictitious 相关例句


1. They bought the materials under fictitious names.

2. His account of the incident was totally fictitious.

3. Hamlet was a fictitious character.

fictitious 网络解释

1. fictitious在线翻译

1. 虚构的:这个世界可能是虚构的(fictitious)、人为的(factitious),或者魔鬼的创造(你怎么能够确切地知道呢?),这一点揭示了梦的世界为教堂权威所拥有这一深层的困惑. 像<旧约>>或者<希伯来圣经>>这样预言性的、经典性的书籍就是教堂权威的源泉.

2. 虚拟:一、虚拟经济产生和发展 虚拟(fictitious)一词有:假想、假定、编造、虚伪等含义,并作为现实的对立面. 经济学意义的虚拟资本和虚拟经济便是从这里引申出来,并且从虚拟资本开始的. 虚拟经济是资本独立化运动的经济. 首先,

3. 虚假的:feaible 可行的 | fictitious 虚假的 | flexile 灵活多样的

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 假想的:fictitious transaction 买空卖空 | fictitious 假想的 | fictive 虚构的

fictitious 词典解释

1. 虚幻的;子虚乌有的
    Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists.


    e.g. We''re interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.

2. 虚构的;小说的
    A fictitious character, thing, or event occurs in a story, play, or film but never really existed or happened.


    e.g. The persons and events portrayed in this production are fictitious.

fictitious 英英释义


1. adopted in order to deceive

    e.g. an assumed name
           an assumed cheerfulness
           a fictitious address
           fictive sympathy
           a pretended interest
           a put-on childish voice
           sham modesty

    Synonym: assumedfalsefictivepretendedput onsham

2. formed or conceived by the imagination

    e.g. a fabricated excuse for his absence
           a fancied wrong
           a fictional character

    Synonym: fabricatedfanciedfictional

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