
feed [fi:d]  [fid] 


feed 基本解释

及物动词喂养; 满足(欲望等); 向…提供; 供…作食物

不及物动词吃,以…为食; 流入,注入,进入(如油流入机器); [电子学]馈入

名词饲料(尤指粗饲料),施肥; 喂送; 草料; (尤指向地方性电视台)馈送电视节目


feed 相关词组


1. feed up : 养肥;

feed 相关例句


1. We feed the birds every day.

2. He has a large family to feed.

3. This moving belt feeds the machine with raw material.


1. Bullets fed into a machine gun.


1. Corn is used as animal feed.

feed 网络解释

1. feed的反义词

1. 进给:24 F 进给(FEED)指令 (FANUC 21i-T有特别说明. 当使用G98时. 指的是mm/min每分钟进给. 当使用G99时,指的是mm/r每转进给. )

2. feed

2. 进料:SMB系统构成如图1所示,多根色谱柱首尾相接成一闭环系统,进料(Feed)和洗脱液(Eluent)入口与萃取液(Extract)和萃余液(Raffinate)出口将之分为四区. 每隔一定时间Δt,四股物料的进、出口位置分别沿流动相方向切换至下一根柱子出口(如图1中虚线所示)

3. 馈送:这一名称的由来,就是因为网络的每一层神经细胞的输出都向前馈送(feed)到了它们的下一层(在图中是画在它的上面的那一层),直到获得整个网络的输出为止.

4. feed:front end engineering design; 前端工程设计feed

5. feed:fe ed drive; 进给

feed 词典解释

1. 养;喂;饲养
    If you feed a person or animal, you give them food to eat and sometimes actually put it in their mouths.

    e.g. We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds...
    e.g. She fed him a cookie...

The feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.

2. 供养,养活(家庭或群体)
    To feed a family or a community means to supply food for them.

    e.g. Feeding a hungry family can be expensive.
    e.g. ...a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months.

3. (动物)吃食,进食
    When an animal feeds, it eats or drinks something.

    e.g. After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding...
    e.g. Slugs feed on decaying plant and animal material.

4. 吃奶;给…喂奶
    When a baby feeds, or when you feed it, it drinks breast milk or milk from a bottle.

    e.g. When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often...
    e.g. I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby.

5. 饲料
    Animal feed is food given to animals, especially farm animals.

    e.g. The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed.
    e.g. ...poultry feed.

6. 源源不断地供给;输送
    To feed something to a place, means to supply it to that place in a steady flow.

    e.g. ...blood vessels that feed blood to the brain.
    e.g. ...gas fed through pipelines.

7. 将…放到,将…投入(容器或装置中)
    If you feed something into a container or piece of equipment, you put it into it.

    e.g. He took the compact disc from her, then fed it into the player...
    e.g. She was feeding documents into a paper shredder.

8. 向…泄露(秘密);向…灌输,向…通报(虚假信息)
    If someone feeds you false or secret information, they deliberately tell it to you.

    e.g. He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies...
    e.g. At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information.

9. 加深,加强(厌恶或渴望)
    If you feed someone''s dislike or desire for something, you make it stronger.


    e.g. The divorce was painfully public, feeding her dislike of the press.

10. 给…施肥
      If you feed a plant, you add substances to it to make it grow well.

      e.g. Feed plants to encourage steady growth.

11. (因…而)壮大;(从…中)得到滋养
      If one thing feeds on another, it becomes stronger as a result of the other thing''s existence.

      e.g. The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.

12. 将(信息)输入(计算机)
      To feed information into a computer means to gradually put it into it.


      e.g. An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer.

13. to bite the hand that feeds you -> see bite
      mouths to feed -> see mouth

相关词组:feed up

feed 英英释义



1. food for domestic livestock

    Synonym: provender


1. introduce continuously

    e.g. feed carrots into a food processor

    Synonym: feed in

2. provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to

    e.g. We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants

    Synonym: fertilizefertilise

3. give food to

    e.g. Feed the starving children in India
           don''t give the child this tough meat

    Synonym: give

4. take in food
    used of animals only

    e.g. This dog doesn''t eat certain kinds of meat
           What do whales eat?

    Synonym: eat

5. serve as food for
    be the food for

    e.g. This dish feeds six

6. feed into

    e.g. Her success feeds her vanity

7. provide as food

    e.g. Feed the guests the nuts

8. gratify

    e.g. feed one''s eyes on a gorgeous view

    Synonym: feast

9. profit from in an exploitatory manner

    e.g. He feeds on her insecurity

    Synonym: prey

10. move along, of liquids

    e.g. Water flowed into the cave
           the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi

    Synonym: runflowcourse

11. support or promote

      e.g. His admiration fed her vanity

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