
fathom [ˈfæðəm]  [ˈfæðəm] 

第三人称单数:fathoms第三人称复数:fathoms; fathom现在分词:fathoming过去分词:fathomed过去式:fathomed

fathom 基本解释



及物动词测深; 理解…的真意; 推测,领会

fathom 相关例句


1. I can not fathom his meaning.

2. I can''t fathom his meaning.

3. Your behavior is difficult to fathom.

fathom 网络解释

1. fathom是什么意思

1. 噚:人们因为惯于计算,所以他们心中就有了一些确定的长度观念,就如一吋、一呎、一码、一噚(fathom) 、一哩、地球底直径等等,(这些都是单由空间[观念]造成的许多独立的观念.

2. 拓:我国规范规定每节标准锚链长度为27.5m,在一些英制单位的国家也有用15拓(fathom)为一节链长的,折合约为27m. 节与节之间采用可拆的接链环,或采用连接卸扣连接起来. 为了迅速确切地掌握抛锚、起锚时锚链松出或绞进的长度,

3. 尋:船舱上面铺着一块平板,船夫就站在上面,用长竹竿插入湖底--湖深不过一,二寻(fathom)--撑船前进,一直到达目的地.这些船舱内油彩艳丽, 并绘有无数的图案;船的各处也同样饰以图画,船身两侧都有圆形窗户,可 随意开关,使游客坐在桌前,

4. 英尺:新浪娱乐讯 北京时间3月4日下午消息,据国外媒体报道,<变形金刚>>(Transformers)女星梅根-福克斯(Megan Fox)加盟漫画改变电影<6英尺>>(Fathom). <波斯王子>>作者编写剧本 <6英尺>>改编自迈克尔-特纳(Michael Turner)创作的同名漫画,

fathom 词典解释

1. 英寻(度量单位,等于 1.8 米或 6 英尺,用于指水深)
    A fathom is a measurement of 1.8 metres or 6 feet, used when referring to the depth of water.

    e.g. We sailed into the bay and dropped anchor in five fathoms of water.
           我们驶进海湾,将锚抛进 5 英寻深的水里。

2. 透彻理解;深入了解;弄清…的真相
    If you cannot fathom something, you are unable to understand it, although you think carefully about it.

    e.g. I really couldn''t fathom what Steiner was talking about...
    e.g. Jeremy''s passive attitude was hard to fathom.

fathom 英英释义



1. (mining) a unit of volume (equal to 6 cubic feet) used in measuring bodies of ore

    Synonym: fthm

2. a linear unit of measurement (equal to 6 feet) for water depth

    Synonym: fthm


1. measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line

    Synonym: sound

2. come to understand

    Synonym: penetratebottom

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