
family line

family line 双语例句

1. Over the years, the companies follow the market demand, use of air conditioning Ling Dayton in a strong field of professional development and 60 for strength successful experience in China launched a series inverter family central air conditioning, central air conditioning storage family series, water/water Central/Ground Source Heat Pump series, the wind cold water line, water-cooled cold water series, Series modular air conditioner, air processor series, fan-coil series in 10 major series more than 1, 000 kinds of products for users worldwide to create a comfortable life, work and leisure environment.

2. You can''t miss the CBR family resemblance in the CBR125R''s sleek fairing and racy pair of Line Beam headlights.

3. Production, product agent is as follows: non-destructive testing apparatus sclerometer CMM Measuring Microscope other fatigue testing machine tensile testing machine magnifying glass platform scale universal testing machine Bending tester other specialized instrumentation impact test machine temperature test equipment altimeter instruments denominated balance scale strength test machine other analytical instruments instrument calibration signal generator temperature on the ground value of other non-metallic materials testing machine testing machine projector dial indicator vernier caliper corrosion test chamber package testing machine other experimental devices chromatography apparatus conductance velocity measurement instrument spectrometer, photometer Thickness gauge instrument measuring color, color card LCR meter vacuum measuring instruments automotive test equipment non-contact thermometer other optical instruments micrometer scale quantitative stress thermometer Products manufacturing equipment and other electronic measuring instrument products Product Guanglu Weihai measuring series Product volume of new tin, tin workers, Shanghai Han family of products in conjunction Si Series Product Qinghai Shanggong Series Gauge Series Products Products Products on the volume of products into the volume of the volume of HA products Gui volume, the volume of products Hang workers Southwest product line Dayang, ASIA, JAPAN Sampoong measuring, Japan peacocks, Series Shanghai workers, Cypriot ruler, thread model, the radius of the regulation, steel ruler Gradienter, magnetic instrument series drilling chuck, and then shot, tap chuck plate Sizing Block shelves, Qu Zheng, cast iron box, than the measured Units, V-iron, a strong magnet, remove the devices, compasses, angle regulation, vigorously forceps, needle regulated metal scissors, cut piece, flat panel | ring, plug gauge, spiral Tap, tap extrusion, left teeth longer straight shank drill tap, longer straight shank drill American Standard drilling, boring white±×êHA, Green Diamond, 1/2 shank drills, taper shank extended drilling, are welcome to inquire.
    生产、代理产品如下:硬度计无损检测仪器三坐标测量机显微镜其他量仪疲劳试验机放大镜拉力试验机台秤万能试验机弯曲试验机其他专用仪器仪表冲击试验机恒温试验设备高度计天平仪器计价秤强度试验机其他分析仪器信号发生器温度校验仪表地上衡其他试验机非金属材料试验机投影机百分表游标卡尺腐蚀试验箱包装件试验机其他实验仪器装置色谱仪电导仪器速度测量仪表光谱仪、光度计测力仪表测厚仪压力计色标、色卡 LCR测量仪真空测量仪器汽车试验设备非接触式温度计其他光学仪器千分尺压力式温度计定量秤其他电子产品制造设备工具量具产品广陆系列产品威海量具系列产品新锡量、锡工、申韩系列产品联思系列产品青海量具系列产品上工系列产品上量系列产品成量系列产品哈量系列产品桂量、杭工量系列产品西南系列产品大阳、ASIA、日本三丰量具、日本孔雀、系列产品申工、塞尺、螺纹样板、半径规、钢直尺水平仪、磁性工具系列产品钻夹头、接杆、丝锥夹头平板架子垫铁、曲铮、铸铁方箱、比测台、V型铁、强力磁铁、取出器、圆规、角度规、大力钳、针规铁皮剪刀、切割片、平板|环规、塞规、螺旋丝锥、挤压丝锥、左牙丝锥加长直柄钻、加长直柄钻美标钻、白直钻哈钻、青钻、1/2柄钻、锥柄加长钻、欢迎来电咨询。


4. In such decree ghastly eve at lower, every family very clean, without any mark line, hard work, and the people.

5. Ultimately, after over ten years of negotiations, the Brown family agreed to convey half their land holdings in the area to the railroad in exchange for a rail line to their future city.

6. A reliance on such family, parents have the duty of being the first line of defense as well as be the replica for their children, a task not so easily accomplished or one that is incomprehensible to those that don`t have children of their own, myself included.

7. Therefore, in addition to the administrator after the family name on the line when we刷屏, the others immediately刷屏found a family of T, there are important point is that in the administrator group to see a similar type of GM to the group of uniform clearance figures in the group.

8. Our zoo animals exist at different levels of abstraction. There are the individual animals, distinguished by their names, such as Ling-ling, Mowgli, and Balou. Each animal belongs to a species; Ling-Ling, for example, is a giant panda. Species, in turn, are members of families. A giant panda is a member of the bear family. Each family, in turn, is a member of the animal kingdomin this case, the more limited kingdom of a particular zoo.
    动物园动物在不同抽象级别存在,有个体的动物,由名字区分,如 Ling-line、Mowgli 和 Balou;每个动物属于一个特种,例如,Ling-Ling 是一个大熊猫;物种又是科的成员,大熊猫是熊科的成员;每个科又是动物界的成员——在这个例子中,比较受限的是一个特定的动物园。

9. The company: shaker, suction machine, five tons of -20 to hoist tons big drum, small drum, brackets, broken machines, field-processing machinery and accessories-field line packages designed and installed, can be set Do all kinds of counter-broken family.

10. The company''s products are Xiqianhanliao, solder line, and lead-free solder flux, paste, and other family support.

11. On the occasion of Lunar New Year Spring Festival is approaching, I would like to providers on behalf of 100 million Internet marketing to work in the first line of the difficulties, selfless dedication, perseverance, and positive 100 million by the heroes of the Internet, to a serious and responsible, to be creative, the information services market, the creators of wealth are connected to the unknown, and actively support the 100 million Internet provider employee of you family members, to have been concerned about and support the cause of 100 million commercial construction and development of Internet customers and community friends, my most cordial sympathy and most sincere blessings!

12. One of the hardest things to do is challenge your friends and family when they cross the line.

13. After returning to Taiwan and my grandfather married, in business--open call God Baojin lines, open the in Hangzhou and Shanghai, Nanjing has got a family, Nanjing Goldsmith to Japanese plunder, Hangzhou and Shanghai gold line discount% of city''s textile mills, to his grandmother''s family the eldest of the remaining funds hospitals--the guangji Hospital (now the Zhejiang Province of Zhejiang second hospital was originally called guangji hospital, is the Church of the hospital, my grandmother would have 60% of shares), after liberation, donated to the State.

14. In order to accelerate the speed of the algorithm, this paper presents a fast intersecting technique of a line with some family planes, so using the intersected points can easily gain the sampling points and their characters.

15. Currently, there are three starch processing plants, five medium and small -scale pure starch processing plants with investment of about RMB two million Yuan, 20 special processing villages, 6, 000 powder family workshops. Processing products line covers starch sheet jelly, vermicelli and so on.
      全市马铃薯加工业具有一定的基础,现有较大的淀粉加工厂3 处,有投资200万元左右的中小型精淀粉加工厂5 处,有专业加工村20 多个,有家庭粉房5000多家,年加工转化能力120万吨左右,加工的产品主要有淀粉、粉条、粉皮、粉丝等。

16. But, regretfully, he hasn`t received much education, that`s why he always appears so vulgar and rude, so out of line, the cultural black sheep of the family, and there wouldn`t be all this ado over nothing.

17. family line的解释

17. Such products have met the police automatically dial-up, telephone voice alarm, on-site alarm, remote control, anti-theft, waterproof, cut-line alarm, monitoring and many other features, can be widely used in enterprises, agriculture and animal husbandry, family life and other aspects, the product of safety and reliability of your production will certainly provide a powerful and life security.

18. Neuronal degenerative diseases such as Parkinson''s disease, Alzheimer''s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington''s chorea and nerve injury caused by surgical trauma, disease, toxicosis or consenescence are the stubborn diseases for which current therapies are virtually nonexistent. The nerve growth factor discovered in early 50''s and other members of NGF family (including brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3, neurotrophin-4/5, neurotrophin-6 and neurotrophin-7) which called neurotrophic factors discovered in the last ten years bring hope to the potential treatment of these diseases.
      中文题名人神经营养因子-3的哺乳动物细胞表达及其对大鼠成纤维细胞的基因转移研究副题名外文题名 Expression of human neurotrophin-3(hNT-3) in mammalian cell line and research on the gene transfer of hNT-3 to rat fibroblasts 论文作者欧阳立明导师张嗣良教授刘志敏副教授学科专业生物化工研究领域研究方向基因工程学位级别博士学位授予单位华东理工大学学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数68页关键词神经退行性疾病基因治疗背根神经节哺乳动物细胞神经营养因子馆藏号BSLW /2001 /Q78 /263 神经退行性疾病如帕金森症(Parkinson''s disease,PD)、阿尔茨海默症(Alzheimer''sdisease,AD)、肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS)、亨廷顿舞蹈症(Huntington''s chorea)等和外伤、疾病、中毒、老化等因素造成的神经损伤性疾病,发病率高,后果严重,且迄今为止尚无有效的治疗方法,是现代临床医学迫切需要寻找突破的棘手病症。

19. They not only confirmed what the child had said but also extended their assistance to trace the family that ran an eating house in a line of houses near the Nuga tree which were later demolished to accommodate the Kandy Municipal Car Park.

20. family line什么意思

20. After the wedding, he took her family''s name, to perpetuate the Hua line.

family line 单语例句

1. If the line is busy, call your family or friends for help.

2. Millions of Chinese adults are choosing to remain childless in a country where continuing the family line was once the dominant concern of married couples.

3. Meghan Wall''s marathon effort to start a family has come down to a sprint at the finish line.

4. But the commission said couples that violate the family planning law will be fined in line with their income.

5. This background didn''t just differentiate him from other Americans, it drew a line between him and the rest of his family.

6. Concerns of Police Survivors provides support and counseling to surviving family members of officers killed in the line of duty.

7. Many of the victims were children trapped in schools, representing the end of the family line.

8. A son takes his father''s family name to keep the family line alive.

9. There would be gossip about their physical wellbeing or their parents''urging to carry on the family line.

10. The provincial commission said the project aims to make family planning slogans more humane and in line with correct language.

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