1. 液压挖掘机:供应 E140 液压挖掘机(excavator)E140 液压挖掘机(excavator) 整机融合国内外多种机型的技术特点,性能优越,工作效率高;引进里卡多技术生产的LR6108发动机,油耗低,性价比好;液压系统主要元件和密封件均采用全球知名品牌原装产品,
2. excavator是什么意思
2. 挖土机:excavation slope 挖方坡度 | excavator 挖土机 | excavator-mounted hydraulic breaker 挖土机上装配的油压破碎机
3. 挖匙,剜器:excavating bur 牙挖钻 | excavator 挖匙,剜器 | excerpt 摘录,选择
1. 挖掘机
An excavator is a very large machine that is used for digging, for example when people are building something.
1. a machine for excavating
Synonym: power shoveldiggershovel
2. a workman who excavates for foundations of buildings or for quarrying