1. 电子乐:张亚东的MIDI制作,使倾向于电子舞曲般的节奏鼓声贯穿整张专辑的有声部分,而电子乐器的声音袅绕其间,吉它却极少或根本不用,用到的也只是散乱的构筑出几分迂迥曲折而已,但整张专辑涉及到了许多的音乐领域,如摇滚(ROCK),民乐(FOLK),电子乐(ELECTRONIC),新浪潮(NEW WAVE),
2. electronic
2. 电子化:面对经济不景气,台湾必须更加创新才能成长,因此政府积极发展创新的资通讯工具与基础环境,持续推动了电子化(Electronic)、行动化(Mobile)甚至於优质 化(Ubiquitous)与智慧台湾等计画,希望藉资通讯科技(以下简称ICT)促进台湾产业成长与升级,
1. 电子的
An electronic device has transistors or silicon chips which control and change the electric current passing through the device.
e.g. ...expensive electronic equipment.
2. 电子化的;使用电子装置的
An electronic process or activity involves the use of electronic devices.
e.g. ...electronic surveillance.
e.g. ...electronic music.
1. of or relating to electronics
concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons
e.g. electronic devices
2. of or concerned with electrons
e.g. electronic energy