
egg [eg]  [ɛɡ] 


egg 基本解释


名词卵; 鸡蛋,蛋; 俚>家伙

及物动词煽动,怂恿; 用蛋烹调; 俚>向人扔鸡蛋

egg 相关例句


1. Egged on by his wife, Macbeth planned to murder his king.


1. Eggs are 99 cents a dozen.

2. This fish lays eggs in spring.

3. We eat hens'' egg.

4. He''s a good egg.

egg 情景对话


A:May I take your order now?

B:Yes, I think we’re ready to order. Elizabeth, what would you like to have?


C:I haven’t made up my mind yet. You order first, Donald.

B:All right. I’ll start with chicken soup. Then I want a steak, medium rare. I’ll have a baked potato, green beans and an egg salad. I’ll order dessert later.

A:Yes, sir. And you, miss? What would you like to have?

C:I can’t decide. I don’t see anything I really like.

A:There are over thirty dishes to select from, miss.


B:There ought to be something you like, Elizabeth.


C:Well, I guess so. But I only see food that I don’t like. I don’t care for chicken and I can’t stand fish. Do you have any oysters?


A:No, miss. I’m afraid not. How about some other seafood?

C:Oysters are the only seafood I like. I dislike the rest.

B:I wish I could think of something for you.


A:May I suggest cream of tomato soup, steak with mushroom gravy, asparagus, and buttered cauliflower. For dessert—strawberry pie with ice cream?

C:No, that isn’t my ideal of a good meal. I’ll have a hamburger. That’s my favorite dish. I have it every day.

egg 网络解释

1. 卵子:采用对方的冷冻卵巢组织技术,未来将继续合作进行这项研究. 中心相信是东南亚首个提供冷冻卵巢组织服务的医院. 此外,中央医院生育辅助中心也提供胚胎(embryos)、卵子(egg)和精子冷冻服务,冷藏的胚胎和精子都有上升的趋势.

2. egg:extended goal graph; 形成扩展目标规划图

egg 词典解释

1. 蛋;卵
    An egg is an oval object that is produced by a female bird and which contains a baby bird. Other animals such as reptiles and fish also lay eggs.

    e.g. ...a baby bird hatching from its egg.
    e.g. ...ant eggs.

2. (西方国家常指供食用的)鸡蛋
    In Western countries, eggs often means hen''s eggs, eaten as food.

    e.g. Break the eggs into a shallow bowl and beat them lightly.
    e.g. ...bacon and eggs.

3. 卵状物;蛋形物
    Egg is used to refer to an object in the shape of a hen''s egg.

    e.g. ...a chocolate egg.

4. 卵子;卵细胞
    An egg is a cell that is produced in the bodies of female animals and humans. If it is fertilized by a sperm, a baby develops from it.

    e.g. It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg.

5. see also: Easter egg;nest egg;Scotch egg

6. 寄希望于一件事上;孤注一掷
    If someone puts all their eggs in one basket, they put all their effort or resources into doing one thing so that, if it fails, they have no alternatives left.


    e.g. The key word here is diversify; don''t put all your eggs in one basket.

7. 出丑;丢脸;蒙羞
    If someone has egg on their face or has egg all over their face, they have been made to look foolish.


    e.g. If they take this game lightly they could end up with egg on their faces.

8. a chicken and egg situation -> see chicken
    the goose that lays the golden egg -> see goose

相关词组:egg on

egg 英英释义


1. animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum or embryo together with nutritive and protective envelopes
    especially the thin-shelled reproductive body laid by e.g. female birds

2. one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens

    e.g. she kicked him in the balls and got away

    Synonym: testistesticleorchisballballockbollocknut

3. oval reproductive body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food

    Synonym: eggs


1. coat with beaten egg

    e.g. egg a schnitzel

2. throw eggs at

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