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drop off是什么意思 drop off在线翻译 drop off什么意思 drop off的意思 drop off的翻译 drop off的解释 drop off的发音 drop off的同义词

drop off [drɒp ɒf]  [drɑp ɔf] 

drop off 基本解释

减少; 落下; 送下车; 不知不觉入睡

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drop off 相关例句


1. She dropped off during the sermon.

2. Please drop me off at the bank.

3. The business of the company was dropping off.

drop off 情景对话


A:Good afternoon! Where to?

B:Tian’anmen Square.

A:You are going to Tian’anmen Square. No problem.

B:How long will it take? We are in a great hurry.

A:Around 20 minutes, but it all depends on the traffc.
      大约20 分钟,但得看交通状况。

B:Hope there is no traffic jam.

A:By this time, it’s better. The rush hour is over.

B:Could you drop us off on that corner?

A:Sure thing. Here are we.

B:How much do we owe you?

A:Eight yuan twenty cents.
      8 元2 角。

B:Here is ten yuan. Keep the change, please.
      这是10 元,不用找了。

A:Thank you. Have a nice day.

B:Thanks and you too.

drop off 网络解释

1. 让(...)下车:do the laundry 洗衣服 | drop off 让...下车 | drop out of 退学,失学

2. danci.edu.pub

2. 睡着;(让...)下车:drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问 | drop off 睡着;(让...)下车 | drop on 训斥,惩罚

3. 减少:drop by顺便来访 | drop off减少 | drop out 退出

drop off 词典解释

1. -> see drop 9

2. 打瞌睡;睡着
    If you drop off to sleep, you go to sleep.

    e.g. I must have dropped off to sleep...
    e.g. Just as I was dropping off, a strange thought crossed my mind.

3. 减退;减少
    If the level of something drops off, it becomes less.

    e.g. Sales to the British forces are expected to drop off...
    e.g. The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply.

drop off 英英释义

drop off什么意思


1. change from a waking to a sleeping state

    e.g. he always falls asleep during lectures

    Synonym: fall asleepdope offflake outdrift offnod offdoze offdrowse off

2. fall or diminish

    e.g. The number of students in this course dropped off after the first test

3. get worse

    e.g. My grades are slipping

    Synonym: slipdrop awayfall away

4. retreat

    Synonym: fall backlosefall behindrecede

5. leave or unload

    e.g. unload the cargo
           drop off the passengers at the hotel

    Synonym: dropset downput downunloaddischarge

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