
draw close

draw close 双语例句

1. Will cause straight and honest gentlemen to gradually draw close.

2. Do you so draw close to my heart

3. How can you draw close to God?

4. Why you captive my hearteasily but i can''t draw your sight close to me?

5. Why you captive my heart easily but i can''t draw your sight close to me?

6. I scarce knew in what Manner to receive them; but found to draw our selves in a close Line was the only Way: so we form''d in a Moment: But that we might not have too much Interval, I order''d, that only every other Man should fire, and that the others who had not fir''d should stand ready to give them a second Volley immediately, if they continued to advance upon us, and that then those who had fir''d at first, should not pretend to load their Fusees again, but stand ready with every one a Pistol; for we were all arm''d with a Fusee, and a Pair of Pistols each Man; so we were by this Method able to fire six Volleys, half of us at a Time; however, at present we had no Necessity; for upon firing the first Volley, the Enemy made a full Stop, being terrify''d as well with the Noise, as with the Fire; four of them being shot into the Head, dropp''d, several others were wounded, and went bleeding off, as we could see by the Snow: I found they stopp''d, but did not immediately retreat; whereupon remembring that I had been told, that the fiercest Creatures were terrify''d at the Voice of a Man, I caus''d all our Company to hollow as loud as we could; and I found the Notion not altogether mistaken; for upon our Shout, they began to retire, and turn about; then I order''d a second Volley to be fir''d, in their Rear, which put them to the Gallop, and away they went to the Woods.

7. Press the axle end to the bottom, draw the brake wheel 2, and make it close to the tape of behind cover, revolve the nut 5 clockwise, make it touch with the brake wheel, continually revolve the nut for one to one and a half ring, lock the screw and wind window.

8. Make two braided cords out of yarn for the draw strings to open and close the bag.

9. draw close的近义词

9. Yes, an Obama presidency would close up two of America''s deepest wounds: as a black man, especially one who does not run as a black politician, he would draw the sting of race from its politics; as a young man, he would step beyond the poisonous legacy of the 1960s division Vietnam wrought between liberals and conservatives.
    Obama 的总统政权将要治愈美国两个最根深蒂固的硬伤:作为一个黑人,尤其是一个从未以政治家身份参与竞选的黑人(未字从哪里出来的?-----尤其是一个不已黑人政治家参选的黑人),他将从竞选政治中得到激励(他将拔除美国政治中种族偏见的硬刺sting );作为一个年轻人,他将超越六十年代越战时期自由主义者与保守主义者分裂遗毒的影响。

10. draw close的反义词

10. However, it is just your exclusiveness and remoteness that draw people close to you.

11. And now I began to feel that I was neglecting my business''that since I had been so foolhardy as to come ashore with these desperadoes, the least I could do was to overhear them at their councils; and that my plain and obvious duty was to draw''as close as I could manage, under the favourable ambush c the crouching trees.

12. The experience joyful activity is the blue baby world · cercis chinensis garden unique: Including the scene game, the social life practice, the environment joyful education, are the teacher seek for in the life the education fountainhead, the capture draw close to the education source material which around the baby lives.

13. Field tests on the water-saving hydraulic percussion were introduced overall, the problems occurred in the tests were exploded profoundly, and set forth solutions, finally, draws the conclusion that a large amount of surface water will be saved, drilling cost will be reduced greatly and drilling efficiency will be enhanced. Analyzed blow frequency is one of the most important feature parameters that decide drilling efficiency of steel ball percussion device, and blow frequency depends on pressure and flow of compressed air, so it is very important to define relation between blow frequency and pressure, flow of compressed air. How to establish function of blow frequency and pressure, flow of compressed air using dual linear regression analysis of mathematical statistics was introduced. Bench tests were Carried out on steel ball percussion device, and major parameters in working process were recorded, then draw the test results that drilling efficiency would be raised greatly drill with steel ball percussion device. Function of blow frequency and pressure, flow of compressed air was set up. Compared experimental data with data calculated according to the function, and draw the conclusion that experimental data is very close to calculated data.

14. Realized by the use of OpenGL to draw 3D scene, the scene can be far, close to the Show, can switch targets shape.

15. Play a window as far as possible add draw a frame round of a clew, this appearance opposite party was not opened in the page before, cannot close this page.

16. The gear rim, gear wheel and screw pole screw pairs of open-close draw stem drive the right and left valve body to clamp and release.

17. No matter the picture stores size is how old, outside dividing Bmp, png, jpg is the heavy on screen draw that the course compresses when, it is to be record in memory, without the memory that compression format picture takes up, it is whole game when medium big head is developed, the formula of computation of the oldest memory that should let engineer computation and controls every to close is color of picture area X deep, reasonable arrangement gives what size, give a few kinds to blame, the dot needs to release resource in what the knowledge that this I feel right to developer of all mobile phone needs to know
      不管图片存储大小是多大,除bmp外,png,jpg都是经过压缩的在屏幕上重绘的时候,都是载入内存,无压缩的格式图片占用的内存,是整个游戏中的大头开发的时候,应该让策划计算并控制每关的最大内存计算公式就是图片面积 x 色深,合理安排出什么大小,出几种怪,在哪些点需要释放资源这个我觉得对所有手机开发者都需要知道的知识

18. My years draw to a close as I groan.
      我的 岁为叹息

19. Say, for instance, that you typically hit a high fade and your partner hits a low draw and you both hit it close to the same distance on a calm day.

20. As we draw tantalizingly close to the finish line...

draw close 单语例句

1. Another six to 12 states could come into play before their unconventional campaigns draw to a close.

2. Pacquiao had hoped to win a definitive victory over Marquez after three previous encounters that resulted in one draw and two close victories for Pacquiao.

3. More visitors are expected this weekend as the Spring Festival celebrations draw to a close.

4. Relevant government departments have also been ordered to help volunteers find jobs when their contracts draw to a close.

5. Also it is necessary to keep close contact with China to draw the DPRK to the negotiating table.

draw close
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